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Read Rising Sun, Falling Shadow (2013)

Rising Sun, Falling Shadow (2013)

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0765337649 (ISBN13: 9780765337641)
Forge Books

Rising Sun, Falling Shadow (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Interesting to read this second of Kalla's books about WW2, having now read several of David Downing's "Station" books in between. There are many historical threads that enhance some understanding of each other's stories. This is an excellent book, which flows and kept me reading till the end. I'm sure-at least I hope-there must be at least one more in the series about this family and their extreme challenges to survive the remainder of WW2 in Shanghai. Rising Sun, Falling Shadow, by Daniel Kalla, is a sequel to The Far Side of the Sky. The setting is 1943 in occupied Shanghai during World War II. Thousands of German Jews escaped to China during the war, and the story opens with the Japanese relocating the Jewish refugees into the "Shanghai Ghetto." The story revolves around two main characters: Dr. Franz Adler and his Eurasian wife Sunny. Together the Alders manage to operate a small hospital against all odds for the Jewish refugees. The Alders, their family, and friends endure great hardships, terror, and cruel beatings at the hands of both the Japanese and the German Nazis. Regardless of their endless struggles, the Alders, their family, and friends remain persistently optimistic that they will survive.The characters in the story are well developed and Kalla artfully captures the angst they endure on a daily basis. I found it to be both suspenseful and heart-warming -- an amazing story of survival. Even though it is a sequel, it isn't necessary to have first read The Far Side of the Sky to fully appreciate Rising Sun, Falling Shadow. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it to readers who enjoy historical fiction, and particularly coverage of World War II.

What do You think about Rising Sun, Falling Shadow (2013)?

Really enjoyed this second installment of the story of Sunny and Dr Adler.

Wow! Awesome book! Haunting! Peace, B.


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