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Read Nightfall Over Shanghai (2015)

Nightfall Over Shanghai (2015)

Online Book

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Tom Doherty Associates

Nightfall Over Shanghai (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

He couldn’t see anything beyond the early dawn light sifting through the trees, but he knew the fighting must have moved closer to the field hospital.
He checked his watch and saw that it was nearly five o’clock. He was accustomed to ignoring hunger pangs, but he craved an espresso. In Vienna, a stiff shot of coffee used to get him through the longest days of surgery. Each day at the field hospital seemed to bring more wounded men with even worse injuries than the soldiers preceding them. Franz sometimes lost himself in the work; technically, it was among the most challenging of his surgical career. With unlimited supplies of equipment, anesthetic and other medications, he could perform more complex operations in this tent in the middle of a war zone than he could have inside the refugee hospital. But he would have given his right arm to be back in Shanghai.
Franz wondered if Sunny had managed to keep the hospital open and operational. No one was more capable than she, but how could she run a hospital while raising a baby on her own?

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