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Douglas Coupland books

Douglas Coupland
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Read Books by Douglas Coupland


Generation A (2009)

1) I hope that our own dystopias are as fun and meaningful as the ones that Coupland writes.2) Reading is like a drug for me sometimes. I use novels specifically to lose myself, find myself, push away the world, learn more about the world, connect with the human condition, forget about the human ...

Generation A (2009) by Douglas Coupland

Player One: What Is to Become of Us (CBC Massey Lecture) (2010)

2.5 starsThis book was a little different for me because it had a touch of science fiction, which is my least favorite genre. I knew it wasn't heavy though, so I gave it a try. It reminded me a touch of The Breakfast Club -entire book takes place in a hotel lounge bar and surrounding area and is ...

Player One: What Is to Become of Us (CBC Massey Lecture) (2010) by Douglas Coupland

Generazione A (2010)

I have never read any of Coupland's novels before, so was not sure what to expect. The book is brilliant in parts, but as a whole I think it lacks a bit of coherency in its story-telling. For some parts the story felt dragged and in others confusing, but then it still worth a read because of the ...

Generazione A (2010) by Douglas Coupland

Le ultime 5 ore (2012)

I picked up this book at the public library at the same time as Generation A. Hesitated to read it due to the description containing words of doom and gloom. Enjoyed the characters, getting to know a bit more about them chapter by chapter. Especially liked Rachel who reminded me of Brennan in t...

Le ultime 5 ore (2012) by Douglas Coupland

Marshall Mc Luhan: Eine Biographie (2011)

A delightful read despite a few Internet-spoofing/inspired typographic and content experiments.Because I truly know nothing of McLuhan's work, I was open to everything in the book and never had a chance to think that Coupland got something wrong or misinterpreted some essential part of McLuhan's ...

Marshall Mc Luhan: Eine Biographie (2011) by Douglas Coupland

Microserfs (1995)

I was reading Microserfs, a novel about coders in the 1990’s, when I suddenly had a great idea. What if I used technology to write down my thoughts and totally zany random observations while I was reading the book? Then I could post my e-thoughts onto a Goodreads review board and get all of the l...

Microserfs (1995) by Douglas Coupland

Eleanor Rigby (2006)

“The Liz Dunns of this world tend to get married, and then twenty-three months after their wedding and the birth of their first child they establish sensible lower maintenance hairdos that last them forever. Liz Dunns take classes in croissant baking, and would rather chew on soccer balls than de...

Eleanor Rigby (2006) by Douglas Coupland

All Families are Psychotic (2002)

Despite its rather rambling plot, I actually have a soft spot for All Families are Psychotic. It has something to do with the zaniness of the characters being so realistic. And the ending always chokes me up.As the title implies, the book's about family and the tribulations one's family undergo...

All Families are Psychotic (2002) by Douglas Coupland

Hey Nostradamus! (2004)

It’s 1988. On a morning unlike any other at a suburban high school in Vancouver, 3 teens attempt to achieve the highest kill count in the history of school shootings. Flash forward 11 years into the future; the incident has more or less been forgotten by most but remains ingrained in the memori...

Hey Nostradamus! (2004) by Douglas Coupland

Girlfriend in a Coma (1999)

This prolific Canadian novelist is well known not only for his words but for his artistic ventures as well. I can't believe I've been ignoring his novels on my numerous trips to the bookstore. I'm glad I finally cave.While this book didn't necessarily wow me, I've grown to like his style of writi...

Girlfriend in a Coma (1999) by Douglas Coupland

Miss Wyoming (2001)

"Miss Wyoming" is a light and fun read, but it still manages to touch on a few serious themes: loneliness and love, detachment and connectedness, identity and rebirth. In the first part of the book, the narrator jumps back and forth in time describing a myriad of crazy characters in unbelievabl...

Miss Wyoming (2001) by Douglas Coupland

The Gum Thief (2007)

When are Otis & Co. going to implement half stars? Because I'd like to give this book four and a half stars.I loved this book. It's not often that a book makes me laugh out loud, and this book consistently made me laugh out loud. Peals of laughter. Giggles. Cackles, even. I’m not exaggerati...

The Gum Thief (2007) by Douglas Coupland

Generation X

The MacArthurs have been trying to seed their new lawn all week, but the doves just love those tasty little grass seeds. And doves being so cute and all, it's impossible to be genuinely angry with them. Mrs. Mac Arthur (Irene) halfheartedly shoos them away every so often, but the doves simply fly...

Generation X by Douglas Coupland

Player One: What Is to Become of Us

Her body still shaking, Karen asks her duct-taped prisoner, “Okay, then, what’s your name?”“You tell me. What do you think my name ought to be? What do I look like? Am I a Jason? A Justin? A Craig?”Karen begins wondering, in earnestness, if he looks more like a Justin than a Jason or a Craig — an...

Player One: What Is to Become of Us by Douglas Coupland


. .     Dad phoned while I was trying to beat Super Metroid on a PC SNES emulator (in under an hour and ten, with no more than 50% items).     "Ethan, come out to the set and spend time with me." "Dad, it's eleven p.m. I'm still at work. What's wrong?" "Is ...

JPod by Douglas Coupland

Worst. Person. Ever.

Person. Ever. 14 The limo was waiting for us out front. Tabs stood beside it, chewing gum and smiling as a trade wind blew up her schoolgirl-style skirt to reveal the cleanest, whitest, softest panties in the western hemisphere. “Ray! I was so worried about you!” She gave me a smashing hug and we...

Worst. Person. Ever. by Douglas Coupland

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