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E. L. Todd

Read Books by E. L. Todd



I would have loved the distraction but I would see Ethan, who reminded me of Elisa. If I spoke to him, I knew I would break down. I knew my relationship with Elisa was going to be complicated, but after she slept with me, I assumed that we were serious. I told her not to sleep with me unless that...

Elisa by E. L. Todd

Friday (Timeless Series #5)

I didn’t get the internship with Vogue, the job that I wanted more than anything, but somehow I was okay with it.     Then I remembered why.     I opened my eyes and saw Axel next to me. He was wrapped around my body, keeping me warm and comfortable. His ha...

Friday (Timeless Series #5) by E. L. Todd

Sunday (Timeless Series #7)

Only the expired products remained behind, and I wasn’t that desperate—yet.     I spent most of my time on the couch because I hated my bed. Kyle used to sleep in there with me. Without him beside me there was no point in being in there. It was just a reminder that he was gone...

Sunday (Timeless Series #7) by E. L. Todd

Until Forever

I asked.     She eyed the dark wood and the fancy computer. A window faced the neighboring skyscraper and lots of light flooded in. “Not bad.”     Luckily, the marketing department was on my floor so I wouldn’t accidently run into What’s-Her-Name. Now I cou...

Until Forever by E. L. Todd

Love Conquers All

He’d only been gone an hour. “Come in.”     The door opened, but it wasn’t Cortland who entered my apartment. It was Flynn.     I stared at him, trying to process his appearance. “What are you doing here?”     He shut the door then joine...

Love Conquers All by E. L. Todd

Love Hurts

“What happened to not pressuring me?” I snapped.     “I’m sorry. I’m just…excited.”     I hadn’t taken one yet. I had a feeling it finally happened, but that was just a hunch. I really had no idea what was going on inside my body. “I’ll take one later.” &nb...

Love Hurts by E. L. Todd

Beautiful Entourage

My assistant informed me I had a meeting with investors in an hour, and on top of that, I had a pile of paperwork on my desk.     As busy as I was, I kept thinking about my night with Rhett. If he weren’t there, that evening would have been unbearable. He lightened the mood an...

Beautiful Entourage by E. L. Todd

Wednesday (Timeless Series #3)

People returned to their busy lives, waiting for spring to arrive. I went back to work and met a few more clients. Six week was a long time to wait, but it wasn’t that long in the span of our lifetime. I could be patient.     When I came home from work, Francesca was already t...

Wednesday (Timeless Series #3) by E. L. Todd

Dark Escort

I couldn’t stop myself. Years had come and gone, and I thought I was over what happened between us. But when I was around her, I remembered how much that morning hurt. What we had was special but she didn’t see it that way. She left me in the middle of the night or early in the morning without sa...

Dark Escort by E. L. Todd

New Beginnings

She immediately went into the bedroom and returned wearing my shirt and her panties. I couldn’t see her baby bump when she wore baggy clothes but she still looked damn fine.     “Take off your clothes,” she barked. She sat on the couch and grabbed the remote.    ...

New Beginnings by E. L. Todd

Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20)

She hit her seventh month, and damn, she looked ridiculously hot. Her stomach was round and couldn’t be hidden by anything she wore. The rest of her was small, which made her belly look even bigger. When she waddled around the house, my cock sprang to life. I had no idea why it got me so hot. I’d...

Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20) by E. L. Todd

Lover's Roulette

Monnique asked as she fixed her hair in the mirror. She picked up the bottle of hairspray and sprayed it into her strands. She was wearing an olive green dress that highlighted her skin tone perfectly. Her curves were noticeable in the dress. She had a thin waist, wide hips, and a very perky ass....

Lover's Roulette by E. L. Todd

Happily Ever After

He looked depressed as he set them down in front of the bed. “Well, this is it.”     I placed my hands on his chest and caressed him gently. “It’s only one night.”     “The measurement of time is subjective.”     “The next time we sleep ...

Happily Ever After by E. L. Todd

Fight for Love

I hated the flight stewardess for cutting my conversation with Sean short. I gave her a frightening glare as I walked by her. She smiled at me, acting like nothing was amiss.     “Now that’s good customer service,” Ryan said sarcastically. “If it were me, I would have punched ...

Fight for Love by E. L. Todd

Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1)

How did I manage that? Anything I touched disappeared like a mouse hiding under a couch. You saw him make a run for safety, but once he was hidden, you could never find him again. Sometimes I thought I was a scatterbrain. Perhaps Ash and I weren’t that different. “How’d it go with that hunky guy ...

Into The Fire (Gorgeous Entourage #1) by E. L. Todd

The Last Time

It happened so quickly and so suddenly Monnique couldn’t grieve properly. I was there for the funeral and the weeks and months afterwards, standing by her side and letting her cry in my arms. I hated seeing the pain she was in.     And now her father passed away. Two parents i...

The Last Time by E. L. Todd

Forever and Always

Cars and taxis were speeding down the road as people hurried to work in the city. Sean and I stood there for a moment as the noise of the cars and people echoed around us. Sean stared at me for a long moment, and his look was so sad that I turned around to wave down a cab just to avoid seeing him...

Forever and Always by E. L. Todd

Flight of Life (Essence Series #1)

Avey’s car. Since he was taking the SAT’s, the most important test of his life, he forced the thoughts of his father from his mind—it just made him feel depressed. The idea that his father left him voluntarily, whether it was to protect him or abandon him, made him feel worthless and useless. His...

Flight of Life (Essence Series #1) by E. L. Todd

Breaking Through the Waves

When she jumped down, she saw Audrey looking at her from the sidewalk. After she smiled at her, she walked toward the science building. Sydney’s blood turned ice cold. It was just a smile but it was definitely frightening. She was grateful she couldn’t read that bitch’s mind.    &n...

Breaking Through the Waves by E. L. Todd

Taking the Plunge

“Cancel them.”     He laughed. “Are you forgetting what we came here for?”     “Oh yeah.”     “We’ll have breakfast then go to the ballroom.”     “It’s here?” she asked.     “Yep.”   &nbs...

Taking the Plunge by E. L. Todd

Soul Catcher

They still expected Steward Josiah from Morkarh, a powerful ally and Drake’s close friend, to enter the library, the meeting hall of the council.     Lord Drake spotted Father Giloth across the room. The old man sat in silence in his chair by the window, gripping the staff of ...

Soul Catcher by E. L. Todd

Lying in the Sand

You’re still coming over, right?     She forgot about it until now. Derek’s relationship problems distracted her. Yeah. Should I bring anything?     Just you.     I can do that.     See you at seven.    ...

Lying in the Sand by E. L. Todd

Connected by the Tide

He pounded on it for a long time, but there wasn’t any movement in the house. Her garage door was closed, so he didn’t know if she was even home. He called her again, but she still didn’t answer. He didn’t know what to do.     He went back to his apartment then lay in bed, thi...

Connected by the Tide by E. L. Todd

Thursday (Timeless Series #4)

We used light weights to build up strength, and he helped me stretch the tendons and return them to their previous vitality. Sometimes the actions hurt but they were necessary.     “You did a good job today.” The therapist gave me a friendly smile before he walked with me to t...

Thursday (Timeless Series #4) by E. L. Todd

Then Came Indecision (Southern Love #2)

All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the pub...

Then Came Indecision (Southern Love #2) by E. L. Todd

Edge of Love

She was lying on my chest with her hair lingering on my skin. She smelled like vanilla. When I moved to get up, she held me tighter. “Please don’t go.” I kissed her forehead. “I’ll see you soon.” “If we are both going to Mega-Shake can’t we just go together? Or can’t we just stay here and talk?” ...

Edge of Love by E. L. Todd

Force of Love

That goddess had me wrapped around her fingers. She suffocated my thoughts almost all the time. I hated going to work knowing I had an awesome toy waiting for me at home to play with.     I chiseled some ink into a few customers, and that helped my mind stop thinking about my ...

Force of Love by E. L. Todd

Closing Time

God fucking damn it!     My foot never left the gas the whole drive. I ran stop signs and red lights, not letting anything get in my way. A cop flashed on his lights and started to chase me.     I didn’t have time for this right now.     ...

Closing Time by E. L. Todd


We both got small cones and walked hand in hand down the street. The sidewalk was crowded on that beautiful Saturday but I was oblivious to all of it. It was just me and Ethan.     I finished my ice cream cone before he did.     He smiled at me. “I like tha...

Sadie by E. L. Todd

Gorgeous Consort

The cake had to be perfect, the right flowers had to be in season, there was the huge choice between a band and a DJ, and then, of course, the dress.     But the fact we were planning this in a goddamn month was just ludicrous.     Kara was blowing up my ph...

Gorgeous Consort by E. L. Todd

Come What May

The longer I got to know her, the cooler she was. She was almost too good to be true. We did fun activities I loved, like hiking, bike riding, and working out together. She may be small, but she was strong. If she really wanted to, she could probably kick my ass.     When I we...

Come What May by E. L. Todd

Lover's Road

Honestly, I was scared to death about it. I really wanted to have kids the natural way, where each child would be half of Scarlet and half of me, but I would accept it if it couldn’t happen. I just didn’t want Scarlet to go through that. I’d known her long enough to understand she would place the...

Lover's Road by E. L. Todd

Saturday (Timeless Series #6)

I just finished doing a search of every architect company in the city but didn’t find any leads, not even with her name affiliated with it. Who knew so many architect companies existed at all.     Carol walked inside with her notepad and pen at the ready. “Yes, Kyle?”  &n...

Saturday (Timeless Series #6) by E. L. Todd

Into The Fire

“Yo. You need to check out my new shop.” He wasn’t in the living room so I headed to the kitchen and pulled out a beer. His keys and wallet were on the counter so I knew he was home. Plus, the door was unlocked. “Hold on a second,” he called from the hallway. “I’ll drink your beer while I wait.” ...

Into The Fire by E. L. Todd

Sweet Sins

All the characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictitious or used fictitiously. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the pub...

Sweet Sins by E. L. Todd

Seductive Guest

When Nathan ditched me at the charity event, I felt small, weak, and pathetic. The pain crushed me on all sides and I felt hopeless. The tears poured and burned my skin like acid.     But it was nothing compared to this.     How did I not see this coming? H...

Seductive Guest by E. L. Todd

Touch of Love

My brother, Mike, already left for college so they had been through this process before. I gave my mom a long hug to make her feel better. That seemed to stifle her tears. My dad clapped me on the shoulder. “Enjoy your wild years. They run out quick.” I winked at him. “Oh I will.” “And do well in...

Touch of Love by E. L. Todd

Tuesday (Timeless Series #2)

Why the hell did Renee have to forget her wallet? Why did she have to stand by my door with day-old make up on her face and messy hair? It was so obvious she spent the night.     I didn’t want Francesca to see that.     She was seeing some guy and that seve...

Tuesday (Timeless Series #2) by E. L. Todd

Riding the Surf

If someone pissed him off, he was done with them. But he couldn’t do that with Paola. She was all he thought about. After he had time to cool off, he realized he couldn’t let her get away. She was the best thing that ever happened to him.     When he went to the beach the next...

Riding the Surf by E. L. Todd

Again and Again

Monnique was with someone else now. She was fucking someone else every night. She moved on and she was happy. They went out to dinner together on the weekends. He complimented her appearance and made her feel beautiful. He walked her home after their dates. He may even love her… Did she love him?...

Again and Again by E. L. Todd

Meant to Be

Every time I came home, I feared all her stuff would be gone. The closet would be absent of her belongings, the coffee mug she used every morning would be nowhere in sight, and the bed we shared would be empty. It was my darkest fear. Never in my life had I been so scared.     ...

Meant to Be by E. L. Todd


he said.     “I was wondering if you had any food in your freezer. You’re in such good shape, I assumed you never ate processed foods, sweets, or preservatives.”     He nodded. “I’m a very picky eater.”     “What were you thinking?” &nbs...

Janet by E. L. Todd

Here and Now

After everything I did to prove I was the best husband in the world, she still doubted our relationship. She had more faith in other people than she did in us. Not only did it piss me off, it hurt me. Really hurt me.     She kept sending me glances from her side of the car. “S...

Here and Now by E. L. Todd

The Wandering Caravan

She normally didn’t hold a grudge about anything. She was a free spirit and didn’t waste her time being upset about things out of her control.     But she was still pissed.     When we went to bed that night, she turned on her side and faced the wall. She c...

The Wandering Caravan by E. L. Todd


Orlando said.     I blushed then shut the door. “Keep your voice down.” Tony and I had been dating for a month. The sex was great and I couldn’t get enough of it. But my joy and satisfaction was evident to everyone around me. Orlando finally picked up on it.    ...

Cassie by E. L. Todd


I asked as we walked to the restaurant.     “Almost. She will be next weekend.”     “Okay. And Scott is the one I met when we moved?”     “Yep. But he isn’t coming. He said he had something to do.”     “And Ethan is m...

Layla by E. L. Todd

Then Came Alexandra (Southern Love #1)

“What’s wrong?” she asked immediately.He stared at her. “I know I promised I would keep all of this a secret, but I need to break that promise.”Her eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”“There’s this girl…I want to tell her so she knows there’s nothing going on between us.”Danielle glared at...

Then Came Alexandra (Southern Love #1) by E. L. Todd

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