Reviewed for THC ReviewsAs a woman, I know that I am not exactly the target audience for this book, but I decided to read it along with my husband. I thought this would be much better than guessing what the book was teaching men, and also open an effective line of communication on the subject. Ev...
The time to have pulled back was actually the moment just before this one—that’s usually the point when men will tell you they’re going to come, if he’s a communicative sort of fellow (and I would definitely encourage him to vocalize). Once his gun has loaded (so to speak), help him focus on firi...
Make sure that it’s part of your safe-sex routine. If you’re engaging a new partner, communicate openly and candidly. Be prepared to discuss your current sex partners, sexual history, risky behaviors, STD status, recent activities, and your approach to protection. Be aware that some STDs are asym...