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Read The Eye Of Zoltar (2014)

The Eye of Zoltar (2014)

Online Book

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1444707272 (ISBN13: 9781444707274)
Hodder & Stoughton

The Eye Of Zoltar (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Another good book in the "Chronicles of Kazam" series that will challenge the reading level and imaginations of its audience.While this is a sequel to "The Song of the Quarkbeast" and a reader will probably more quickly lose themselves in the world if they've read one of the previous two books in the series, it is not necessary. There is actually very little plot overlap (in my opinion) with the previous book. Two of the primary characters featured prominently in the first two books, but the rest of the characters that make up the questing party are new to the series. Most of the secondary and tertiary characters appeared briefly in past installments, but the author presents enough contextual information you can have completely forgotten (as I had) or never known who they were and still figure it out quickly.I must confess, while I enjoyed the first half of the book I eventually got to the point where I was simply bored. Regrettably, this happened to coincide with what seemingly was the author's climactic "battle." Mr. Fforde pulled my interest back at the end, but a reader who might struggle with the higher than average vocabulary level (think Dr. Seuss in terms of long, fictitious words) would probably abandon the book at that point.Overall, as with the previous book in the series, I recommend it for strong tween readers that enjoy the worlds of Roald Dahl, Lemony Snicket, and Harry Potter, and young adults who like Piers Anthony and Terry Pratchett. Probably worth mentioning, there is more death in this book than the previous one, so it is better for mature readers. And while it might seem off-topic, readers may never view economics and the stock market the same way again... Imaginative and quirky with the best trio of strong female characters I've ever come across in YA or, really, any genre of writing. The first chapter gives a good rundown on Jennifer Strange and Kazam Mystical Arts Management so reading the previous two installments of The Chronicles of Kazam isn't that important. But reading the next one is - this one ends with a bit of a cliffhanger.I received this book for free through the Good Reads Firstreads program.

What do You think about The Eye Of Zoltar (2014)?

The best one yet. If you aren't reading this series, you need to reevaluate your life choices.

So fun! Can't wait for book #4, but I fear I'll be waiting a while.

omg omg omg, when is the next one coming out???? uuuuughsdfsdft

I'm waiting for this to come to Audible.

Awesome...can't wait for #4!

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