He had somewhere to be with his son, and I had plans too. Tomorrow night, he didn’t have anything going on, so we were meeting after I was off work. But for tonight, it was just me, and a task I really wasn’t looking forward to. With my heart in my ...
Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Take It Off (A Market Garden Tale) Copyright © 2013 by L.A....
I pulled into Rick’s driveway, whispered a prayer that I could get my head together and killed the engine. As he always did, he came out the front door before I was up the walk. I faked the most convincing smile I could. “Hey.” I wrapped my arms aro...
All I can think about is the sex I had with Ian last night. It was the first time we’d made love in over a week, which jarred me—I didn’t realize until we were in bed just how long it had been. That can’t continue. Even while I’m sleeping with Michael, I can’t neglect my h...
The effects of the Taser had worn off quickly, but my body still ached from getting my ass handed to me. The side of my mouth was sore where I’d bitten the inside of my cheek. On the other hand, at least I hadn’t bitten my tongue. And the doc had decided the cut on my forehead could be super-glue...