He had somewhere to be with his son, and I had plans too. Tomorrow night, he didn’t have anything going on, so we were meeting after I was off work. But for tonight, it was just me, and a task I really wasn’t looking forward to. With my heart in my throat and a nervous flutter in my stomach, I followed the familiar side roads toward the house I’d lived in for so many years. All day long, this had been almost as distracting as my fantasies about Sailo. Though Becky and I had agreed that our marriage was over, and in the last three and a half weeks, we’d started going through the motions of dividing up twenty-five years of stuff and assets, those motions still hurt. That wasn’t the part I was dreading the most, though. I took the last turn, and a moment later, I was…well, not home. But at the house. Becky’s white Honda was parked in front of the garage, and I pulled into the empty space beside it.