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Lars Kepler books

Lars Kepler
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Read Books by Lars Kepler


Hypnotisören (2009)

This book was a great and exciting thriller. Very disturbing with very likeable and engaging characters. I love joona linna. He is a great detective without gimmick. He is honest and straight which is refreshing as a lot of detectives seem to be either hilariously witty or rude. Joona is neither ...

Hypnotisören (2009) by Lars Kepler

O Hipnotista (2010)

Alexandra Coelho Ahndoril(ová) a Alexander Ahndoril napsali pod pseudonymem (Lars Kepler) tuto rozporuplnou knihu. Námět je zcela jistě zajímavý, některé pasáže jsou překvapivě geniální a některé naopak. Kdyby se kniha zredukovala o 100-150 stran, byla by lepší a záživnější.Bohužel styl psaní nen...

O Hipnotista (2010) by Lars Kepler

L'ipnotista (2010)

Før jeg leste ”Hypnotisøren” av Lars Kepler hadde jeg hørt mye bra om denne boken. Og, nå når jeg er ferdig med den, føler jeg at jeg har hatt en god leser opplevelse. I historien følger man Erik Maria Bark som er lege og har tidligere erfaring som hypnotisør, men etter en hendelse som skjedde f...

L'ipnotista (2010) by Lars Kepler

Hypnose (2010)

A women's magazine quote on the back cover promised me The Hypnotist wouldn't leave me cold. It left me cold. So now I feel not only disappointed but betrayed as well.I don't really know how to even start reviewing the book, it was just so... not good. I don't think it was purely bad, some really...

Hypnose (2010) by Lars Kepler

Paganinikontraktet (2010)

Die GejagtenZunächst scheint es keinen Zusammenhang zu geben, zwischen den Fällen des toten Mädchens und des Erhängten. Beim Ableben der jungen Frau könnte es sich um einen natürlichen Tod gehandelt haben, da sich keine Spuren finden lassen. Der Mann hat wohl doch Selbstmord begangen. Doch gleich...

Paganinikontraktet (2010) by Lars Kepler

O Executor (2010)

Dit is het 3e boek wat ik van dit schrijversduo lees en alhoewel het niet zo goed was als de vorige drie is dit boek best nog een echte aanrader!Ik vond dit boek wat minder omdat ik het plot vrij snel door had en het dus niet meer zo leuk om te lezen was.De achtergronden van sommige personages mo...

O Executor (2010) by Lars Kepler

Paganiniho smlouva (2010)

This has got to be a record for me. I cannot remember another series in which I strongly disliked the first book but took a chance and really liked the second book. Whereas Joona Linde was pretty much absent in book one, here he is front and center. Saga Bauer is an interesting character too. Whi...

Paganiniho smlouva (2010) by Lars Kepler

O Pesadelo (2010)

A fast paced Nordic thriller. This was the second Joona Linna novel, (why do I always have a urge to say Unilever?). Joona is a Finnish detective working in Sweden, who always seems to get it right or spot the clue no one else is seeing.In this novel he gets caught up in illegal arms shipping fol...

O Pesadelo (2010) by Lars Kepler

Paganini kontrakten (2010)

Upřímně, Paganiniho smlouva, vzhledem k tomu, jak jsem se na ní těšil, mě docela zklamala. Prvních a posledních 100 stránek je výborných, ale ta prostřední část mě místy hodně nudila a četl jsem dál jen díky vlastní vůli. Na druhou stranu: styl psaní Larse Keplera je naprosto výjimečný, neokoukan...

Paganini kontrakten (2010) by Lars Kepler

Ich jage dich (2000)

Een nieuw verhaal van Lars Kepler. Dus een boek met hoge verwachtingen. En de spanning is goed, zeker in het begin, het bloed sijpelt nog net niet onder het boek vandaan. Na een goeie 250 pagina’s begint het verhaal in te zakken. Dit heb je niet gelijk door, het kabbelt voort, maar je kunt het bo...

Ich jage dich (2000) by Lars Kepler

The Hypnotist

When she sees her father’s old Nissan Primera double-parked outside the door, she has to force back the tears. She is already standing in the hallway when he knocks on the door; she opens it with the security chain on, closes it again, unhooks the chain, and tries to smile.    &nbs...

The Hypnotist by Lars Kepler


He sees the blond man change his grip on the pipe and move to the side. The bald man takes off his jacket and hangs it over a plastic chair. Joona slowly raises his head and looks the bald man in the eyes. ‘Give the money back to Crina,’ he repeats. The bald man grins with surprise and steps side...

Stalker by Lars Kepler

The Nightmare

He stops the car at the light and waits for it to turn green. “I’m very sorry about what happened to you,” Robert says in a sad voice. “My brother told me that he was helping you by giving you a place to live until you got your own student apartment. I don’t really understand why he’d do such a t...

The Nightmare by Lars Kepler

The Sandman

The light from the lamp in the ceiling is strangely clouded. The metal door opens and a man in a white coat comes in. It’s the young doctor. He’s got something in his slender hands. The door closes behind him and the lock clicks. She blinks her dry eyes and sees the doctor put two ampoules of yel...

The Sandman by Lars Kepler

The Fire Witness

A branch is sticking up above the surface of the water. Gunnarsson can’t shift the lifeline in time and there’s a dull thud and some splashing. The digital connection to Hasse is lost. “We’ve lost contact,” Joona says. “He has to come up.” “Pull on the line three times.” “He’s not answering,” Gun...

The Fire Witness by Lars Kepler

Lars Kepler 2-book Bundle

the man in the doorway demands in a hoarse voice. Penelope understands immediately that he’s the owner of the house—not their pursuer. He’s short, broad, slightly chubby. His face seems familiar, as if he’s someone she once knew. “Are you drug addicts?” he asks with interest. His face clicks into...

Lars Kepler 2-book Bundle by Lars Kepler

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