A fast paced Nordic thriller. This was the second Joona Linna novel, (why do I always have a urge to say Unilever?). Joona is a Finnish detective working in Sweden, who always seems to get it right or spot the clue no one else is seeing.In this novel he gets caught up in illegal arms shipping following the death - suicide of an official who role was to ensure Swedish armaments weren't sold to prohibited countries such as Sudan. The death of a young woman on a boat and the disappearance of her sister and her sister's boyfriend seems unconnected until Joona begins to put the pieces together. Fast paced and entertaining, with short, easy to read on the go chapters, this would have made great holiday reading, but I enjoyed it at home. Will probably read further Joona Linna novels. La questione è semplice: perchè diavolo Kepler si ostina a scrivere libri in cui le ultime cento pagine scorrono via lisce come l'olio mentre le prime 3-400 sono di una lentezza esasperante? Capisco il bisogno di creare la storia, un minimo di caratterizzazione dei personaggi e preparare il gran finale, ma potrebbe trovare una via di mezzo.E' il secondo libro di Kepler che leggo, ed è la seconda volta che ho questa impressione.Per il resto, ottima storia (anche se il finale da supereroe lascia un po' interdetti), e personaggi splendidi, soprattutto Joona Linna (ma Saga Bauer lo segue a ruota).
What do You think about O Pesadelo (2010)?
Not my kind of book. Abandoned it after the first chapter. Predictable and formulaic.
3.5 I thought the first one was better, but this was still a good read.
Good but The Fire Witness was better I think.