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L.E. Harner books

L.E. Harner
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Read Books by L.E. Harner


Ty Hard (2011)

This story had potential but it was so rushed it was silly. Tyler has been medically discharged from the navy and goes to stay with Frank, an old navy friend who lives on a ranch with his partner. The men who work there are either gay or have no issue with gay men. On arrival, Tyler meets Cass...

Ty Hard (2011) by L.E. Harner

Deep Blues Goodbye (2012)

Deep Blues Goodbye (Altered States #1)LE Harner and TA Webb4 starsI have already bought book 2 in the series, “Deadly Shades of Gold,” because my reading friends know what I like. I am always grateful for recommendations. Having cut my teeth, so to speak, on gay vampire romance writing before it ...

Deep Blues Goodbye (2012) by L.E. Harner

Deadly Shades of Gold (2013)

This story was powerful and heady stuff. Werewolves, vampires, politics, intrigue, sex, and poor Chuck.Mr. Webb and Ms. Harner have had me hooked since the first book of this series and I find myself waiting (patiently, I promise) for the next story in the series so I can find out who kills who, ...

Deadly Shades of Gold (2013) by L.E. Harner


With only a week until party time, they worked on trimming branches, replenishing the beds, and stringing white fairy lights from the trees in our park-like ten acres. The twenty-four hours since our meeting with the client had passed in a whirlwind of meetings with caterers, florists, and a loca...

TripleThreat1 by L.E. Harner

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