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Read TripleThreat1


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Hot Corner Press

TripleThreat1 - Plot & Excerpts

With only a week until party time, they worked on trimming branches, replenishing the beds, and stringing white fairy lights from the trees in our park-like ten acres.
The twenty-four hours since our meeting with the client had passed in a whirlwind of meetings with caterers, florists, and a local security company to arrange valet parking with a little extra kick. Archer’s excitement was palpable, which intrigued me. It had been a long time since he’d been so involved in the BDSM club scene and even longer since he’d thrown a party. He was sparing no expense and if I didn’t know better, he could almost be setting up opening night at a new club.
I smiled at the memory. It was hard to believe it had been nearly fifteen years since— “Penny for your thoughts,” Archer said. His arms wrapped around me from behind, and he rested his chin on my head. I wasn’t a small man, but when Archer wrapped me up and surrounded me with his tall, lithe body, I felt…home.
“I was remembering how excited you were when you opened your first club.”

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