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Read Ty Hard (2011)

Ty Hard (2011)

Online Book

3.72 of 5 Votes: 2
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Hot Corner Press

Ty Hard (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This story had potential but it was so rushed it was silly. Tyler has been medically discharged from the navy and goes to stay with Frank, an old navy friend who lives on a ranch with his partner. The men who work there are either gay or have no issue with gay men. On arrival, Tyler meets Cass (the owner) and is immediately told that Frank died an hour before he got there. Cass, who doesn't do relationships is drawn to Tyler, as is Jed one of the other ranch hands - both of whom make a move on Tyler on his first night there. The relationship between the two MC's goes from zero to full speed with no getting to know each other first. I liked the characters involved but so much more could have been done to pad out the story and make it a bit more realistic. I must admit the name alone is what drew my attention to this novel. It can be taken in so many ways. Need less to say the title does the book justice. It was a perfect fit after I finished the story.Life was never meant to be easy and the main character prove that time and time again. Neither is love easy.The story was easy to read and beautifully written. The author just has a way with words that made me want to keep reading til the end.

What do You think about Ty Hard (2011)?

I enjoyed this story in spite of the insta-love!

this was so hot an cute at the same time !!

Like this one...good story.


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