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Lynn Red books

Lynn Red
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Books: 19 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.08

Read Books by Lynn Red


Change For Me (2013)

Transformational, Werewolf Shifter Romance! This is the first book I have read by Lynn Red and it most certainly won't be my last! Lily and Damon's story is raw and beautiful as first loves often are! Throw in werewolf transformational rites into Alpha roles and a fierce adversary to battle an...

Change For Me (2013) by Lynn Red

To Catch a Wolf (2014)

Not sure how to start this review ... this is one of my favorite, newer (for me) authors, and I love The Jamesburg Shifters series. This is the 1st book of the series, but I read it out of order (like after 5 others). That was a good thing I think, as this book kind of jumped right into the story...

To Catch a Wolf (2014) by Lynn Red

Bearing It All (2014)

Two questions arise from this book and the first in the series, To Catch a Wolf. Why do hyenas scratch all the time? They can't be anymore flea bitten then the wolves, foxes, and etc. Why does Jamie, the were-vampire bat, sneeze all the time?The h giggles, gets drunk & talks to herself whiling FO...

Bearing It All (2014) by Lynn Red

Bear With Me (2014)

I LOVED THIS STORY .EVERYTHING LYNN RED WRITES IS GREAT.REX (A BEAR SHIFTER)ex soldier and father of a 6 year old girl which he has raised alone for 4 years and not interested in getting involved AND LILAH (A RACCOON SHIFTER) who works at the jail and is an artist,AND MATES. WHILE FINDING THEIR ...

Bear With Me (2014) by Lynn Red

Howl for Me

Grandpa Joe stuck a finger in his pipe and re-lit it as I walked up the steps. “Bought an extra for you when you said you were coming tonight. Everything okay?” he asked. “Or is the house just too lonely without the old meathead?” “Meathead” was my grandpa’s favorite nickname for Damon. Back when...

Howl for Me by Lynn Red

Bear Me Away (Alpha Werebear Paranormal Romance) (A Jamesburg Shifter Romance)

Elena St. Claire –––––––– Whit Whitman on the morning news described an incredibly strange, and undeniably familiar scene. A garden, utterly destroyed, except for the tomatoes, with a carrot jammed into the ground. “You can’t be serious,” Elena said. She rubbed her eyes and listened to her five y...

Bear Me Away (Alpha Werebear Paranormal Romance) (A Jamesburg Shifter Romance) by Lynn Red

Bear Your Teeth (Alpha Werebear Paranormal Shifter Romance) (2015)

That sounds... well, like it might be sorta painful.” -Petunia –––––––– “Yeah, you’re a class one idiot all right.” “Thanks Tuna, real encouraging.” Paprika, even a day later, was in the afterglow from Thor. ̶...

Bear Your Teeth (Alpha Werebear Paranormal Shifter Romance) (2015) by Lynn Red

The Fox and her Bear (Mating Call Dating Agency, #2)

The ice cubes in his whiskey clanked against the sides of the glass. He preferred it neat, but Tenner never remembered and he wasn’t going to complain about free booze. “Why can’t I just take a good thing at face value?” Tenner shrugged. “It’s a thing we do, us...

The Fox and her Bear (Mating Call Dating Agency, #2) by Lynn Red

To Catch a Wolf (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)

I rolled out of bed in my apartment that overlooked the little valley town of Jamesburg. It’s... a funny place, to say the very least. Green, green, green, as far as the eye can see. This is a light, woodsy, airy kind of green, nothing like the impenetrable density of a Southern swamp. I don’t th...

To Catch a Wolf (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance) by Lynn Red

Bearly Breathing (Alpha Werebear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (2014)

okay, well at this point, expectations are kinda out the window.” -Clea –––––––– Two rivers checked, my fears were confirmed but I was no closer to a solution, or any closer to Orion. What I had found though, was that every part of my crazy th...

Bearly Breathing (Alpha Werebear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (2014) by Lynn Red

Bearing It All (Alpha Werebear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (2014)

The old, comfortable feeling of rage bubbled up inside him. Crag hid in his anger, hid when he fought. He didn’t have to be anything – didn’t have to be anyone. Didn’t have to feel, he just had to exist. But for him, the fights were easy. He wasn’t scared – hel...

Bearing It All (Alpha Werebear Shifter Paranormal Romance) (2014) by Lynn Red

Horns for the Harem Girl

The sun was streaming through the open curtains – which was how she always had them – just as the morning birds began to chirp their greeting to the dawn. She felt a little like she’d walked into a princess movie, what with the trilling birds and being in a palace and pursued by...

Horns for the Harem Girl by Lynn Red

Lion In Wait (A Paranormal Alpha Lion Romance) (2014)

-1- –––––––– “Enough!” Erik slammed one of his fists onto the lectern, then grabbed his gavel and pounded the wooden podium. “Calm... down!” Furiously, I typed away on my keyboard, trying my very best to keep up with the near...

Lion In Wait (A Paranormal Alpha Lion Romance) (2014) by Lynn Red

Can't Bear To Run (Kendal Creek Bears, #1)

it occurred to me to ask as we were about to enter the north side of Kendal Creek. I was fiddling with the safety catch on my unloaded sawn-off twelve gauge and trying to judge exactly how crazy I’d gotten in the last two weeks. “I mean that in a bigger-picture sense. I know we’re driving to town...

Can't Bear To Run (Kendal Creek Bears, #1) by Lynn Red

Bear The Heat (Mating Call Dating Agency Book 3)

This was beyond doubt... and yet, that’s all she felt. Well, not all. When the phone buzzed on her dash, the shiver running down her spine was anything but doubtful. It was the sensation of anticipation snaking down her back like an forked lightning bolt. It stretched out to her arms, up the back...

Bear The Heat (Mating Call Dating Agency Book 3) by Lynn Red

Werewolf Wedding

Jeannie was laying casually on my couch when I wandered out of the bathroom with my hair in a big wad on top of my head. “And why is there one curler in your hair?” “Ugh, shit,” I swore, and pulled it out. My hair hung down wavy, except for that one sad loop where I’d left the curler. “I had a mo...

Werewolf Wedding by Lynn Red

Bear Arms (Alpha Werebear Shapeshifter Romance) (Mating Call Dating Agency Book 4)

Lexie said. They’d been in the woods for a hair over half an hour, and had made it approximately halfway through Eve’s list of coordinates. More than once, Blake had attempted to teach Lexie the finer points of orienteering, but she was too enthralled with the wild songs of night birds, and with ...

Bear Arms (Alpha Werebear Shapeshifter Romance) (Mating Call Dating Agency Book 4) by Lynn Red

Wolf on the Road

She’s not allowed to be any of those things while she is firmly under her husband’s thumb. Her only reprieve comes from distant memories of a man she saw only once six years ago. In that instant, Raine knew there was something special about him. The memory of that twinkle in his eyes, of his care...

Wolf on the Road by Lynn Red

Two Bears are Better Than One (Alpha Werebear Romance) (Broken Pine Bears Book 1)

Jill –––––––– With the cubs asleep in their multitude of rooms, and the Spectravision turned off from the front desk – Arrow discovered the thrill of pay-per-view the night before – Jill, Rogue and King made their way downstairs just after midnight. The agreement was that they could swim after ho...

Two Bears are Better Than One (Alpha Werebear Romance) (Broken Pine Bears Book 1) by Lynn Red

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