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Read The Fox And Her Bear (Mating Call Dating Agency, #2)

The Fox and her Bear (Mating Call Dating Agency, #2)

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Tumbling Beauty Press

The Fox And Her Bear (Mating Call Dating Agency, #2) - Plot & Excerpts

The ice cubes in his whiskey clanked against the sides of the glass. He preferred it neat, but Tenner never remembered and he wasn’t going to complain about free booze. “Why can’t I just take a good thing at face value?” Tenner shrugged. “It’s a thing we do, us rambling, restless men. A life of adventure calls us, and we can’t help but answer.” “You’ve been married for forty-eight years, Ten,” Dawson said, draining the last of his drink. “The hell would you know about it?” The barman snapped his suspenders and twisted the ends of his ample mustache. “Walruses live a long time, boy, a real long time. I remember what it was like before I ended up with Vera. Lots of heartbroken ladies, and a long string of disappointments.” “Right,” Dawson said with a grin. “Let me guess, the disappointment was with how you actually were once you stopped trying to get in their pants?” The old man closed his left eye, and scrunched up his nose.

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