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Matthew Reilly books

Matthew Reilly
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Books: 19 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.1

Read Books by Matthew Reilly


The 5 Greatest Warriors (2009)

I really enjoy this series. Somehow the sheer impossibility of it all adds to its appeal. The part about Jesus makes me angry, but then it is fictional, and he is at least recognised as the most influential person in history. This is the second time I've read the book, the first being four years ...

The 5 Greatest Warriors (2009) by Matthew Reilly

Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves (2011)

Polar conditions, large carnivorous mammals, and Scarecrow with his Maghook - it's a great recipe that I can't get enough of. This is a typical Matthew Reilly read: tons of pulse pounding action interspersed with even more ultra-intense action. There should probably be a warning against reading t...

Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves (2011) by Matthew Reilly

Scarecrow Returns (2011)

Good, but was a bit of let down. Some cheesy lines. The general had so much potential. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Action all the way through, and with more character development too.

Scarecrow Returns (2011) by Matthew Reilly

The Five Greatest Warriors (2009)

EDITORIAL REVIEW:**IT BEGAN WITH SIX STONES...**From the deserts of Israel to the tsunami-lashed coasts of Japan, from the steppes of Mongolia to the most mysterious island on Earth -- this is what we have come to expect from Matthew Reilly: stupendous action, white-knuckle suspense, heroes to ch...

The Five Greatest Warriors (2009) by Matthew Reilly

Roger Ascham And The King's Lost Girl (2013)

Not a bad novella, although I fail to see how it enhances The Tournament in any way, in some ways it helps to see the poor skills of the King, but other than that, it feels like a rushed chapter about Roger saving some women, for nothing basically. Nothing would have changed if he didnt save them...

Roger Ascham And The King's Lost Girl (2013) by Matthew Reilly

Scarecrow (2005)

Escapist literature gets a lot of leeway with me. I mean, it’s there for the sole purpose of passing someone’s downtime. Characters are usually walking clichés, and the plot revolves around something along the lines of: “we only have X amount of time to do something or Y is going to happen.” I’...

Scarecrow (2005) by Matthew Reilly

Temple (2002)

Part 3 in a four-book review of Matthew Reilly's novelsContest -> Ice Station -> Temple -> Seven Ancient Wonders<= Ice Station.... couldn't believe it! This, I believe, is Matthew's third novel, and by now he had devolved almost to the level he attained in the only other of his books that I ...

Temple (2002) by Matthew Reilly

Hover Car Racer (2005)

I've always felt there was something wrong with this book. I had originally wanted to read it years ago (which I did) because of the high-octane races, those particular descriptions, but what I soon realised was that this book is pretty sucky. It basically has the author giving constant narrative...

Hover Car Racer (2005) by Matthew Reilly

Area 7 (2003)

This novel did demonstrate that the author had lost some of his focus, at least to begin with. It starts with a good idea about nukes linked up to a radio transmitter on the president's heart, and evil soldiers hunting him down within an air base in order to stop the transmitter setting off the n...

Area 7 (2003) by Matthew Reilly

Contest (2003)

I will never forget the moment I formed a bond with an Australian author named Matthew Reilly. It was a spur of the moment thing. If I had not grabbed a book off the shelf of the San Diego Public Library called Ice Station, I might not be writing this review. But I did, and it changed my life.I ...

Contest (2003) by Matthew Reilly

Ice Station (2000)

Okay, where do I start? "There be Whales in there sir!"Actually, there are whales, but that's not important right now. Shane Schofeild has worse luck than that guy who played James Bond in between Sean Conery and Roger More (Her Majesty's Secret Service). His best line of the movie was "How com...

Ice Station (2000) by Matthew Reilly

Seven Deadly Wonders (2006)

Ahhh...Finally it's over. I am undecided on how many stars I am going to give. After making my review I will decide.So, what have we got here... A action-slash-adventure thriller book sure reads like a movie script.First of all I nearly gave up after reading 78 pages and after my second, third an...

Seven Deadly Wonders (2006) by Matthew Reilly

The Tournament

Vladimir was not only beating the Sultan’s champion, he was thrashing him. The Muscovite had just won the second game and had now—as the Sultan returned from his meeting and resumed his place on his throne—taken an early lead in the third. The Sultan’s brow furrowed with concern. The match could ...

The Tournament by Matthew Reilly

El templo

Estaba desierta.     El silencio que nos rodeaba llenó mi corazón de temor. Jamás había escuchado un silencio así en la selva.     Pasé por encima de un cuerpo cubierto de sangre. La cabeza había sido arrancada de cuajo del resto del tronco.   &nb...

El templo by Matthew Reilly

Seven Ancient Wonders

Finished in 282 BC after twelve years of construction, it was the tallest bronze statue ever built. At a stupendous 110 feet, it loomed above even the biggest ship that passed by. It was crafted in the shape of the Greek Sun-god, Helios—muscled and strong, wearing a crown of olive leaves and a ne...

Seven Ancient Wonders by Matthew Reilly

La lista de los doce

Se escondieron tras una de las chimeneas y, cuando se asomaron por ella, vieron uno de los helicópteros de Damon Larkham en el helipuerto de la azotea, con los rotores girando, envuelto en la incesante lluvia.     —Siga hablando —le pidió Libro a Rosenthal—. ...

La lista de los doce by Matthew Reilly

The Great Zoo of China

It was mayhem, pandemonium; a maelstrom of fire, explosions, carnage and death.And it was into this that Hamish Cameron drove his ladder truck.Hamish gripped the wide steering wheel with white knuckles. Syme sat by his side holding a pistol he’d found in the waste management facility. Given the c...

The Great Zoo of China by Matthew Reilly

Troll Mountain: The Complete Novel

He placed them thus: one up on the king’s podium, solely for the king’s personal use; and three at the bases of three of the mighty columns of the hall (the fourth column, the north-eastern one, stood within the kitchen area and so didn’t require one).Raf, however, observed him every step of the ...

Troll Mountain: The Complete Novel by Matthew Reilly

Hell Island

This is Condor! Come in!” the Airborne commander kept saying over the radio. “Scarecrow!” Mother exclaimed. “I got something here . . .” “What?” Schofield hurried over to her console. “Those binary beeps just went off the charts. It’s like a thousand fax machines all dialed up at once. There was ...

Hell Island by Matthew Reilly

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