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Max McCoy books

Max McCoy
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Read Books by Max McCoy


Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs (1996)

Fresh from a ride on a Nazi submarine, Indiana Jones is persuaded by a beautiful missionary to search for her missing father in Mongolia. Professor Angus Starbuck has discovered a dinosaur bone in the Gobi Desert. But unlike other such discoveries, this bone isn’t ancient! As Indy crosses from Ch...

Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs (1996) by Max McCoy

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx (1999)

It is the most coveted of all ancient artifacts. In it is written the history—and the fate—of every human being. And he who owns it writes his own destiny. Now Indiana Jones follows a trail of danger, magic, and archaeological mystery through the war-torn Orient, from Rangoon to the Egyptian dese...

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx (1999) by Max McCoy

Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth (1997)

A violent storm, a dying Arctic explorer, and a curious wooden box make Indy the target of fanatical Nazi agents. Inside the box are a slice of Icelandic stone with mythological powers and a journal hinting at the existence of an underground civilization near the top of the world. Indy and Ulla T...

Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth (1997) by Max McCoy

Indiana Jones and the Secretof the Sphinx (2013)

Mystery, driving the Scout with Faye in the sidecar, pulled up behind him. Both motorcycles were covered in dirt and mud, and badly in need of repair.     "Wait here," he told the Maskelynes as he pulled the goggles from his dirty face. He walked up the flight of stairs to an ...

Indiana Jones and the Secretof the Sphinx (2013) by Max McCoy

The Spirit is Willing (An Ophelia Wylde Paranormal Mystery)

The sound of his key in the lock as the room was secured sent a chill down my back, and I couldn’t help but feel that I was on trial. I was hungry and tired and suffering from lack of sleep, but there was nothing to do but proceed. If I had declined to accept the challenge, the pack of reporters ...

The Spirit is Willing (An Ophelia Wylde Paranormal Mystery) by Max McCoy

Giving Up the Ghost (2015)

Earp started to climb up after me, but the engineer spat. “Not him,” he said. “Why not?” “Just not.” “He’s right,” I said. “You don’t like me, either?” “No, I mean you have to go back and tell Mackie the Ginery Twitchell is safely sided,” I said. “I’ll stay with the train until Mackie sends word ...

Giving Up the Ghost (2015) by Max McCoy

Of Grave Concern (2013)

My hair stank of cigar smoke and my mouth tasted like the floor of the Saratoga. “Oh, Eddie,” I moaned, sitting up and resting my forehead on my knees. “What have I done?” “‘Nevermore!’” “Never,” I vowed. “I’m never drinking again.” Then I remembered I had a performance that night, to be followed...

Of Grave Concern (2013) by Max McCoy

Damnation Road

The interior smelled of burned wood and smoke and dried blood. Flies buzzed in the stifling heat. “Amateurs,” he said. He picked a letter from the pile, one with a heavy rust-colored smear, and glanced at the address. San Antonio. He let it fall back to the floor. The wind had spilled some of the...

Damnation Road by Max McCoy

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