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Read Indiana Jones And The Secretof The Sphinx (2013)

Indiana Jones and the Secretof the Sphinx (2013)

Online Book

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Indiana Jones And The Secretof The Sphinx (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Mystery, driving the Scout with Faye in the sidecar, pulled up behind him. Both motorcycles were covered in dirt and mud, and badly in need of repair.
    "Wait here," he told the Maskelynes as he pulled the goggles from his dirty face. He walked up the flight of stairs to an apartment on the top floor of the building, wiped most of the dirt from his face with his kerchief, and knocked.
    A dark-haired girl of about three came to the door.
    "Is your daddy home?" Indy asked in Arabic.
    She looked at him blankly.
    Another child came to the door, a boy, a little older and bigger than the first child. Indy repeated the question. The boy nodded gravely, but did nothing further. Finally, another girl joined the two youngsters already at the door, and when Indy repeated the question yet one more time, she called into the house.
    Indy could hear heavy footsteps pad across the wooden floor, and soon a familiar face appeared in the doorway.

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