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Read The Spirit Is Willing (An Ophelia Wylde Paranormal Mystery)

The Spirit is Willing (An Ophelia Wylde Paranormal Mystery)

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The Spirit Is Willing (An Ophelia Wylde Paranormal Mystery) - Plot & Excerpts

The sound of his key in the lock as the room was secured sent a chill down my back, and I couldn’t help but feel that I was on trial.
I was hungry and tired and suffering from lack of sleep, but there was nothing to do but proceed. If I had declined to accept the challenge, the pack of reporters outside would have pilloried me.
The room was long and narrow, with a walnut table down the center, and on the table were five photographs. There were no chairs. The room had windows along one side, but each had been sealed with black cloth and tape. The only light in the room came from a tri-burner gas lamp planted in the center of the table, fed by a narrow copper tube that came from the ceiling. The flames burned brightly in their globes, spilling three circles of light over the five photographs.
Each photograph was printed from a full plate, on albumen paper, and in tone and quality they seemed alike. Each purported to show a living sitter with a ghost hovering nearby; three of the sitters were men and two were women; and the only identification on the photos were the labels A through E.

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