يا قرائي الأعزاء، إن هذا ليس شيئاً من الماضي البعيد! أنتم مولعون بالحوادث المرعبة، وتستلذون قراءة روايات الرعب، ولا تنفرون من أن تدغدغ أحاسيسكم النزوات المعذبة. ولكنني عرفت أهوالاً حقيقة، أهوال الحياة اليومية، وأعرف أن من حقي أن أدغدغ مشاعركم وأثير فيها الخوف، بأن أروي عليكم هذه الأهوال بحيث تعرف...
Good godless commies, this book was a slog.Maxim Gorky was one of the USSR's favorite sons — there's a park named after him and everything.The Mother tells the story of Pelagueya Nilovna, mother of Pavel Vlasov. Nilovna, or "the Mother" as she is called throughout the novel, is married to a big w...
The classic works of literature contained in each of these volumes represent each author's best and most famous writings. A wonderful introduction to world literature, this finely crafted and affordable series offers the works of these world-renowned authors to a wider audience. Includes Mother ...
This follows the story of a young man(Gavrila) who is looking for work down the shipyard/docks. He's looking to earn enough money to travel back to his hometown. He comes across the town drunkard, Chelkash, and Chelkash offers him a job. Not asking any questions, the man agrees and they set out i...