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Meg Benjamin books

Meg Benjamin
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Books: 13 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.06

Read Books by Meg Benjamin


Venus in Blue Jeans (2009)

This was freebie on kindle and not a horrible one but frankly am a little stunned by all the 5 star ratings that it got on It was an OK book but I found it lacking...something. I have been struggling to figure it out for a couple days now and am still not sure. There was some romance,...

Venus in Blue Jeans (2009) by Meg Benjamin

Bolted (2013)

The star rating given reflects my opinion within ‘the official goodreads rating system’. (Notice the two important words... OPINION and RATING)1 star: Didn’t Like it2 stars: It’s Okay3 stars: Liked it4 stars: Really Liked it5 stars: It Was AmazingI don’t really give a rat-fuck that th...

Bolted (2013) by Meg Benjamin

Brand New Me

He knew for a fact he’d still been resisting Clem and her efforts to push him into opening for lunch. Then the insurance adjuster had arrived and he lost track of what was going on around him other than the clicking of the keys on the man’s BlackBerry. At least the adjustor had promised him a che...

Brand New Me by Meg Benjamin

Medium Rare: (Intermix)

Rose couldn’t really say since he started kissing her as soon as they were inside the door and they never got around to turning on the lights.     She wrapped her legs around his waist and let him carry her into the bedroom. It was a pretty impressive performance—he didn’t bre...

Medium Rare: (Intermix) by Meg Benjamin

Be My Baby

He was elaborately grateful for his cardboard box bed in the utility room near the back door. He was elaborately grateful to be served his dinner of kibble, after which he took up residence beneath Jack’s high chair, busily cleaning off the bits of Jack’s food that reached the floor. Sweetie was ...

Be My Baby by Meg Benjamin

Fearless Love

and never looked back. She covered Audrey Auld’s “Shove It” and Bonnie Raitt’s “Real Man” and she sailed through Emmylou’s “Born To Run,” strumming so hard she broke a nail. The women in the audience were grinning. The men weren’t. She didn’t give a good goddamn. When she walked off stage to enth...

Fearless Love by Meg Benjamin

Hungry Heart: Konigsburg, Texas, Book 8 (2014)

It was a roots rock band he was a little uncertain about. Sometimes they were good, but sometimes they were crappy. Not unlike life. When the Faro had a group playing in the beer garden, he was stage manager as well as bouncer, which meant he had to keep an eye on both the musicians and any poten...

Hungry Heart: Konigsburg, Texas, Book 8 (2014) by Meg Benjamin

Don't Forget Me

Or actually trying not to think about Nando because every time she did, she ended up confused. What were they doing together anyway? What was happening between them? She hadn’t talked that much to anyone for a long time. Around eighteen months, in fact. And she’d never told anybody else how miser...

Don't Forget Me by Meg Benjamin

Wedding Bell Blues

As she walked around the pool, she glanced at the mansion Lars kept calling a hunting lodge and saw nothing she was even remotely interested in pursuing—with the possible exception of Billy Kent.Not that feeling bored was all that unusual. Sherice had been bored ever since she’d walked down the a...

Wedding Bell Blues by Meg Benjamin

Long Time Gone

Erik sat in the monthly meeting of the Konigsburg Merchants Association trying to avoid death by boredom. Technically, he had no business there since he wasn’t a merchant, but Arthur Craven, the association president, had asked him to come, and he’d thought it was a good idea at the time. “Chief ...

Long Time Gone by Meg Benjamin

Happy Medium: (Intermix)

It seemed remarkably small to be as important as she thought it might be. Maybe Livingston was a miser along with being a jerk. “It was in the wall?”     Ray nodded. “Behind the wallboard.”     “How could it get there?”     He shrugged. ...

Happy Medium: (Intermix) by Meg Benjamin

Finding Mr. Right Now

Right Now Chapter Twenty-TwoMonica was fairly sure the day that followed was the worst of her life. It was unquestionably the worst day of her life at Fairstein Productions. By the time Glenn had finished yelling at her, it was too late for them to catch Paul, who must have taken the shuttle down...

Finding Mr. Right Now by Meg Benjamin

Love in the Morning (2016)

He’d sort of been expecting her to tell him, but she hadn’t. And then he’d wondered if maybe she wasn’t telling him for some particular reason but then he decided he was being an idiot.     Being around Lizzy made him behave like an idiot. Frequently. He’d never been so concer...

Love in the Morning (2016) by Meg Benjamin

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