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Melanie Dickerson books

Melanie Dickerson
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Books: 9 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.07

Read Books by Melanie Dickerson


The Healer's Apprentice (2010)

If you like cheesy, Christian romance, this book is book is for you! Overall, I thought it was was meh. It author started the story strong, by delving into the characters emotions, but overtime she kept using the same dialogue. Every chapter seemed to repeat itself and by the end you knew what ...

The Healer's Apprentice (2010) by Melanie Dickerson

The Merchant's Daughter (2011)

This is a very quiet book. It's a good one, not my favorite re-telling of Beauty and the Beast, but then, I'm not sure I've read an amazing version of Beauty and the Beast. Just a note for everyone who hasn't seen the ranting reviews, this is a Christian novel. It had several excerpts from the Bi...

The Merchant's Daughter (2011) by Melanie Dickerson

The Fairest Beauty (2013)

Mind blowing. I didn't realize I could love a book so much! This book is the perfect combination of everything that's good in this world. *sniff* *tear* The cover explains it all. A book set in the beautiful but extremely harsh time of Kings and Queens where a scullery maid is horribly treated by...

The Fairest Beauty (2013) by Melanie Dickerson

The Captive Maiden (2013)

I'm a huge fan of fairy tale retellings, and this one didn't disappoint. I will say that it's not a traditional fairy tale, in that there's no magic involved. However, the story was just as captivating as if there had been magic, and the world that Dickerson creates is exciting and full of life. ...

The Captive Maiden (2013) by Melanie Dickerson

Şifacının Çırağı (2014)

I enjoyed this. Not the most astounding cliff-hanger type book ever, but it was fun, and I needed some fun today. Rose was sweet, and I liked the other characters as well, so that made up for the somewhat predictable plot in my opinion. I didn't really get how it was supposed to be a sleeping bea...

Şifacının Çırağı (2014) by Melanie Dickerson

The Princess Spy (2014)

I have a tradition that I have been able to keep the last few years, of reading a Melanie Dickerson book on Christmas Day. It is such a nice finish to the day. I look forward to my tradition every year, just as much as raviolis and good company.This year was no exception! Melanie writes easy to ...

The Princess Spy (2014) by Melanie Dickerson

A Spy's Devotion

She had never realized what a relief it was to cry. Perhaps Phoebe had discovered this quite some time ago, which was why she cried so often. After several minutes of letting the tears flow, Julia finally wiped her face and poured herself some water, all the while aware of the paper stabbing her ...

A Spy's Devotion by Melanie Dickerson

The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest

Rutger had informed her that Wernher had slipped through Jorgen’s grasp and escaped. She shuddered inside at how close she and the boys had come to Jorgen catching them. She would be sure to thank God for Wernher’s escape.If she saw Jorgen at church, would she be brave enough to ask him how thing...

The Huntress of Thornbeck Forest by Melanie Dickerson

The Golden Braid (2015)

Colin’s face turned pink while he and Lady Margaretha explained what happened. Apparently Colin had been distracted by Lady Margaretha, and Claybrook had come up behind him with a raised sword. But Colin defeated him in a brief sword fight, shortened by the fact that Claybrook had been poisoned t...

The Golden Braid (2015) by Melanie Dickerson

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