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Read The Princess Spy (2014)

The Princess Spy (2014)

Online Book

3.55 of 5 Votes: 6
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0310730988 (ISBN13: 9780310730989)

The Princess Spy (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

I have a tradition that I have been able to keep the last few years, of reading a Melanie Dickerson book on Christmas Day. It is such a nice finish to the day. I look forward to my tradition every year, just as much as raviolis and good company.This year was no exception! Melanie writes easy to read, young adult historical books. While there is some light romance, it is nothing that you would not want a teen to read, while still holding the appeal of Medieval fascination. In this one, the German princess, obligated to marry, has chosen to marry for convenience. This concept was something that many teenage girls would have faced in the time period this book is set in. I found it especially fascinating that Melanie Dickerson can write a book meant for teenage girls, and yet it can hold an appeal to adult readers as well. If you have not looked up her book yet, you must. If not for yourself, a teenage girl in your life. The covers alone will catch your eye!This book was provided for me for review by Book Sneeze and the opinions contained herein are my own. (I did buy a print copy to give as a Christmas gift and am planning on buying one for myself as well, I would encourage you to do the same!) I really enjoyed this story. Melanie Dickerson is a wonderful author who knows how to weave a beautiful plot full of romance and adventure. The words seemed to flow off the page which made this an easy read.Margaretha is a princess who doesn’t have much confidence in herself. She knows she likes to talk a lot and this can get her in trouble. It doesn’t help that her brothers tease her about this. She also doesn’t feel like much of a leader but what will she do when she is forced to be a leader and help save her fathers kingdom? You’ll have to read to find out :)Collin is a wonderful hero who becomes even more driven to nail Claybrook when he finds out that Claybrook is trying to woe Margaretha.I loved how Melanie worked a language barrier into the book as well, and Margaretha has to freshen up her English in order to even understand what Colin is trying to tell her.Overall, I think I enjoyed the adventure more than the romance in this book as the romance was a bit of a slower build for me. But a great read and highly recommended for anyone who loves princess and castle type stories for grown-ups :)A copy of this book was given to me by the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers program in exchange for an honest review.

What do You think about The Princess Spy (2014)?

Great story. I didn't know the fairy tale this story was loosely based on.

amazing as always. thank you Melanie Dickerson!! :D

Not my kind of writing, drudges to much.

Received via NetGalley

**4.5 stars

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