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Mitchell Zuckoff books

Mitchell Zuckoff
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Read Books by Mitchell Zuckoff


Lost in Shangri-la: A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II (2011)

This is a fascinating story of World War II. I was spellbound as the author tells the story of the Gremlin Special's crash and the subsequent rescue of the survivors. The way that medical care was brought the the plane crash victims and the method of extraction from the jungle were fascinating...

Lost in Shangri-la: A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II (2011) by Mitchell Zuckoff

13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi (2014)

This is a remarkable account of what transpired on the night of September 11/12 at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, where Ambassador Stevens, State Department communicator Sean Smith, security specialist Tyrone Woods and security specialist Glen Doherty were killed during attacks by Li...

13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi (2014) by Mitchell Zuckoff

Ponzi's Scheme: The True Story of a Financial Legend (2006)

It was a time when anything seemed possible–instant wealth, glittering fame, fabulous luxury–and for a run of magical weeks in the spring and summer of 1920, Charles Ponzi made it all come true. Promising to double investors’ money in three months, the dapper, charming Ponzi raised the “rob Peter...

Ponzi's Scheme: The True Story of a Financial Legend (2006) by Mitchell Zuckoff

Ponzi's Scheme (2005)

Mary Grozier CHAPTER ELEVEN “LIKE STEALING CANDY FROM A BABY” Day after day throughout June, furniture dealer Joseph Daniels had watched streams of people troop down Hanover Street, walk past his store, and climb the stairs next door to the North End branch of the Securities Exchange Company. Sev...

Ponzi's Scheme (2005) by Mitchell Zuckoff

Frozen in Time

Members of the Royal Canadian Air Force, the trio was supposed to deliver a forty-eight-foot, twin-engine A-20 attack bomber from Newfoundland to England, with a fuel stop in Greenland. Flying over water two hours after they left Newfoundland, the Canadians ran into thick fog and misfortune. Firs...

Frozen in Time by Mitchell Zuckoff

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