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Read 13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi (2014)

13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi (2014)

Online Book

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1455530093 (ISBN13: 9781455530090)

13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

This is a remarkable account of what transpired on the night of September 11/12 at the diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, where Ambassador Stevens, State Department communicator Sean Smith, security specialist Tyrone Woods and security specialist Glen Doherty were killed during attacks by Libyans. This book does not attempt to address the political issues that have arisen over the Benghazi attacks. Instead, it is a factual recounting of the events that occurred as told by the security specialists that defended two American compounds on that fateful night and lived. In giving this account, the specialists, known as operators, had no political agenda. However, they did want to record for posterity the heroism shown by their two operator colleagues who died fighting off the Libyans and to accurately tell what happened, from their perspectives.This is a great book that cuts through all the partisan political hoopla concerning Benghazi and focuses on the heroism and the tragedy of death that were experienced in Benghazi. This reads like a novel, but it sadly is all too true. Wherever you are on the political spectrum, the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and our response to it has to be troubling. There are "big" questions about why it happened, why we didn't respond, and why so little security was available, etc., etc. Then there are the political questions, the talking points, the video, etc., etc. These eventually will be sorted out.But meanwhile, there is the question of what did happen and this book finally provides the answers from the men who were there. It's important to note that the authors plainly state they will not participate in partisan debates, that their objective is to give an accounting of what happened that tragic night. And, they do, in detail that is as gripping as it is heartbreaking."Benghazi" has come to represent different things to different people. The debate has been endless and vociferous and no doubt more is to come, especially if Hillary Clinton jumps into the presidential race. When events become polarizing, I think we have an obligation to trouble ourselves enough to learn the facts. Finally, finally, we have some in this compelling narrative.

What do You think about 13 Hours: The Inside Account Of What Really Happened In Benghazi (2014)?

I liked this book until the author started getting political.

Well written story about some incredible Americans.

An intense account of what happened in Benghazi.

You wonder why such events happen.

Could not put this book down!!

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