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Read Lost In Shangri-la: A True Story Of Survival, Adventure, And The Most Incredible Rescue Mission Of World War II (2011)

Lost in Shangri-la: A True Story of Survival, Adventure, and the Most Incredible Rescue Mission of World War II (2011)

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0061988340 (ISBN13: 9780061988349)
HarperCollins Publishers (NYC)

Lost In Shangri-la: A True Story Of Survival, Adventure, And The Most Incredible Rescue Mission Of World War II (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This is a fascinating story of World War II. I was spellbound as the author tells the story of the Gremlin Special's crash and the subsequent rescue of the survivors. The way that medical care was brought the the plane crash victims and the method of extraction from the jungle were fascinating. I had to look up the rescue method on youtube to see if it could really be done. Enough background information about New Guinea was presented to make this story understandable without drowning in the details of history. Whether you are a history buff or not, this book makes a very interesting read! Up to where I've read this book has held my attention very well. I'm up to the point where the plane has crashed and only a couple have survived. They have to worry about the threat of possibly hostile natives and of coarse the Japanese. I read this in several sittings over the weekend and I really enjoyed the readings that I did. I suggest this book to anyone who likes adventure and books about WWII.

What do You think about Lost In Shangri-la: A True Story Of Survival, Adventure, And The Most Incredible Rescue Mission Of World War II (2011)?

True story. Interesting read. Enjoyed the old pictures that were included.

Interesting story. Unbroken was much better a story.

Non fiction story of survival. Great read.

Fascinating tale!

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