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Myrna Mackenzie books

Myrna Mackenzie
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Read Books by Myrna Mackenzie


Her Sweet Talkin' Man (2015)

Lone Star Country Club Romance

Her Sweet Talkin' Man (2015) by Myrna Mackenzie

Rodeo Bride (2009)

He just couldn’t ask her to spend more time away from the ranch than she had to. They were both weary and wary enough already, and Toby was still young for a long, cross-country trip. Even flying, by the time they stumbled into his house, it was late. Toby was asleep, and Dillon knew Colleen had ...

Rodeo Bride (2009) by Myrna Mackenzie

To Wed a Rancher (2011)

She was wearing his favorite smile and… “I like the boots,” Shane said. “Did you pick those out all by yourself?” To his delight, she blushed, just as he’d known she would. Rachel always looked pretty, but when she blushed she was darn near irresistible. Which was a good sign that he shouldn’t be...

To Wed a Rancher (2011) by Myrna Mackenzie

Saving Cinderella! (2010)

CHAPTER THREE ALEX felt as if she’d just jumped out of an airplane and realized she didn’t know how to pull the cord on her chute. A thousand questions were firing in her brain as she and her friends headed to her room. What had just happened? She had expected Wyatt to ask her to give him a play-...

Saving Cinderella! (2010) by Myrna Mackenzie

The Wish List

Yet she was. Ever since Nathan had come rapping on her window—no ever since she’d looked into his eyes and seen his warmth and concern, ever since she’d laid her lips against his—her heart had been beating out of control. There was no way she could go back to sleep now. She’d already had a cup of...

The Wish List by Myrna Mackenzie

Riches to Rags Bride (2011)

Rats! She was running behind again. Ever since she’d moved in, ever since Lucas had kissed her, the two of them had been working at a feverish pace to finish everything before they opened the doors to Angie’s House and Lucas moved on to France. And until I…do what? she wondered. But there wasn’t ...

Riches to Rags Bride (2011) by Myrna Mackenzie

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