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Read To Wed A Rancher (2011)

To Wed a Rancher (2011)

Online Book

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To Wed A Rancher (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

She was wearing his favorite smile and… “I like the boots,” Shane said. “Did you pick those out all by yourself?”
To his delight, she blushed, just as he’d known she would. Rachel always looked pretty, but when she blushed she was darn near irresistible. Which was a good sign that he shouldn’t be trying to make her blush, but…those boots… “As a matter of fact, I did pick them out,” she said, lifting her chin in a defiant gesture. “I liked the blue flowers curling around the instep. They look pretty against the golden leather, and, yes, I was told that they were impractical and that they would get dirty, that they were really more for rodeos and things like that, but I bought them anyway.”
He smiled. “Impulsive. Stubborn.”
She sighed. “Yes, but I bought them because…it’s just that I’ll probably never have another pair of cowboy boots. If I’m only going to have one…well, you know.”
“You don’t seem like the type of woman who allows anyone to dictate her style.

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