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Read Rodeo Bride (2009)

Rodeo Bride (2009)

Online Book

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Rodeo Bride (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

He just couldn’t ask her to spend more time away from the ranch than she had to. They were both weary and wary enough already, and Toby was still young for a long, cross-country trip.
Even flying, by the time they stumbled into his house, it was late. Toby was asleep, and Dillon knew Colleen had to be tired, but… “This is totally amazing, Dillon,” she said, wide-eyed. “I don’t know who you hired or how they worked so fast, but whoever he or she was, they knew what they were doing. This place is furnished so beautifully.” She ran her hand over the honeyed wood of a table.
“And the forest-green and gold against all the hardwood floors makes everything look cozy and warm and inviting. And all those windows…the lights of the city are like a million fireflies. Toby will love it here when he gets old enough to notice the details. Or when he wakes up,” she said, kissing Toby’s soft baby curls. “I guess we’d better get him right to bed.”
But no sooner had they located the nursery and gotten Toby off to sleep than Dillon’s telephone started ringing.

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