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Naguib Mahfouz books

Naguib Mahfouz
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Read Books by Naguib Mahfouz


أصداء السيرة الذاتية [Echoes of an Autobiography] (1994)

كان هنالك احاديث كثيرة تدور عن أصداء السيرة الذاتية ، وكثير من الاحتفاء من جانب القراء حولها ، لذا كان لابد من اقتنائها وكذا فإنها للأستاذ العالمي نجيب محفوظ أصداء السيرة الذاتية ، لم أشعر بأنها قصص ، وإنما هي حكاوي أو مونولوجات داخلية ينفس فيها الأستاذ عما يختلجه داخل ذاته ، سواء أكان من ذكريات ...

أصداء السيرة الذاتية [Echoes of an Autobiography] (1994) by Naguib Mahfouz

الحرافيش [The Harafish] (1977)

The place is Cairo. The time is unknown but pre-modern. There is no technology and carts and carriages get the poor and rich around (respectively). It is post-Mohammed; Muslim is a faith and not a political philosophy. There are bars selling alcohol and women are not covered. Women can and do own...

الحرافيش [The Harafish] (1977) by Naguib Mahfouz

حديث الصباح والمساء [Morning and Evening Talk] (1987)

نجمة ناقصة لأنني شعرت في آخرها بالرتابة والملل لتكرار احيانا ولضعف الذاكرة في الربط بين الشخصيات والعلاقات وذلك لأن نجيب محفوظ قد رتب الشخصيات حسب الاحرف وليس بالتسلسل من الجد الاكبر للحفيد الأصغر! في منتصفها تشعر بالتشتت وتضطر لكتابة شجرة العائلة حتى عندما وصلت للنهاية عند يزيد قلت من يزيد هذا ،...

حديث الصباح والمساء [Morning and Evening Talk] (1987) by Naguib Mahfouz

Echi di una autobiografia (1994)

الكتاب عبارة عن ما يمكن تسميته قصاصات من دفتر الذكريات يحكي فيها نجيب محفوظ مواقف وذكريات تفوح منها رائحة الماضي .ويبدو من الوهلة الاولى انها مواقف لرجل على المعاش يسترجع فيها الاماكن والشخصيات والمواقف يتذكر بعضها في عزاء زميل سابق او اثناء السير في شارع قد طمست عوامل الزمان ملامحه من الممكن...

Echi di una autobiografia (1994) by Naguib Mahfouz

Ecos de Egipto, Pasajes de una Vida (1994)

سبتها مرتين عشان عقلي يقدر يستوعب فلسفة و رمزية شيخ التايهين - نجيب مفوظ - و مقدرتش برده :D عميقة بدرجة غريبة !! الأحلام و العشق و اللمحة الصوفية مدية حالة معينة م المزاج ! الجزء الأعظم كان عن عبد ربه التائه، اللي كنت حاسة نجيب محفوظ بيعبر عن نفسه من خلاله . أكتر الحاجات اللي عجبتني : قبيل الفجر ...

Ecos de Egipto, Pasajes de una Vida (1994) by Naguib Mahfouz

Conversas de Manhã e de Tarde (1987)

تسلسل اجيال رواية حديث الصباح والمساءــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــملحوظة: الأرقام المكتوبة بجانب كل شخصية تعني رقم الصفحة التي تتكلم عن الشخصية الروائية من المولد حتى الممات واذا رغبت في قراءة الرواية بتسلسلها الزمني للشخصيات عليك ان تقرأ وفق هذا الترتيب لشخصيات...

Conversas de Manhã e de Tarde (1987) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Seventh Heaven: Supernatural Tales (2006)

This novel captures you even when you're on your guard I was taken in by the first page. And it became one of my favorites in the 11th. Not only this novel is full of wisdom. It's witty and makes you think (in a good way!) I have often stopped to contemplate the lines, the words and thoughts behi...

The Seventh Heaven: Supernatural Tales (2006) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Time and the Place: And Other Stories (1992)

Selected and translated by the distinguished scholar Denys Johnson-Daivies, these stories have all the celebrated and distinctive characters and qualities found in Mahfouz's novels:  The denizens of the dark, narrow alleyways of Cairo, who struggle to survive the poverty; melancholy ruminations o...

The Time and the Place: And Other Stories (1992) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Harafish (1997)

Naguib Mahfouz's epic in ten parts of a family's history over two centuries provokes the question of whether, and how, the good traits of family members can be conserved and passed down to later generations.

The Harafish (1997) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Day the Leader Was Killed (2000)

منذ اوائل طفولتي كانت تحلو الى جدتي أن تقص عليا وقائع أغتيال السادات ...كيف كانت والدتي تقوم بمهام منزليه ..وخالتي تبتاع الخضروات من السوق وهي جالسة امام التلفزيون تشاهد العرض العسكري بأنبهار ..ومقت شديد لرئيس الدوله ..فجدتي كانت من الجيل الذي رأي عبدالناصر عظيما حتى في هزائمه و رأي في السادات فا...

The Day the Leader Was Killed (2000) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Dreams (2005)

In this new collection of his shortest short stories, the Egyptian Nobel laureate has reduced fictional form to its most essential level, while retaining his justifiably famous mastery of the storytelling art.A man finds that all the streets in this neighborhood have turned into a circus - but hi...

The Dreams (2005) by Naguib Mahfouz

Voices from the Other World: Ancient Egyptian Tales (2004)

The forces of law and order disturb a district's too-perfect peace at the dawn of Egyptian civilization. A wise and popular pharaoh is betrayed by his own son, and by his dearest friends - then makes a most peculiar decision. A mummy returns to life after three thousand years, to confront the arr...

Voices from the Other World: Ancient Egyptian Tales (2004) by Naguib Mahfouz

Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth (2000)

يالله، ما هذا الذي كنت اقرؤه!أهي ملحمة تاريخية؟، أم حكاية أسطورية من حكايات الأساطير؟عشت في الملحمة وكأنني جزء منهاكنت أشعر كأنني طفلة صغيرة ممسكة بيد نجيب محفوظوهو يتجول بيّ في التاريخبوقاره المعهودة وعويناته الكبيرة ولكن بصوت أبي الواثق حين كان يحكي ليّ الحكايات أأنا أحببتها لأنها تشبه حكايات أ...

Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth (2000) by Naguib Mahfouz

Arabian Nights and Days (1995)

أفضل وصف لها حتى الآنهو مقال بلال فضل من ألم الفراقوقفت فى حضرة الشيخ عبد الله البلخى باكيا، وقلت: يا شيخى أخشى على نفسى مصير شهريار، فقال بهدوء العارفين: يا بنىّ شهريار هارب من ماضيه فمم أنت هارب؟ قلت: أنا هارب من ماضىّ ومن مستقبلى.. أبحث عن الحق وأخشى أن أجده، فلا طاقة لى بتبعات معرفته، فقال مس...

Arabian Nights and Days (1995) by Naguib Mahfouz

Children of Gebelaawi (1995)

The history of a Cairo alley through several generations. Successive heroes struggle to restore the rights of the people to the trust fund set up by their ancestor Gebelaawi, usurped by embezzlers and tyrants. Mahfouz creates in all its detail a world on the frontier between the real and the imag...

Children of Gebelaawi (1995) by Naguib Mahfouz

Morning and Evening Talk (2008)

A late work by the Egyptian Nobel literature laureate, Morning and Evening Talk is an epic tale of Egyptian life over five generations. Set in Cairo, it traces the fortunes of three families from the arrival of Napoleon at the end of the eighteenth century to the 1980s, using short character sket...

Morning and Evening Talk (2008) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Mirage

She knew me well by now, as did everyone in her household—the young man who was constantly on the lookout for her, who gazed at her with eyes full of admiration and love, and who had persevered in doing so with astounding patience for nearly a year, yet without making a single move. And what was ...

The Mirage by Naguib Mahfouz

Cairo Modern (2011)

A magnificent automobile pulled up in front of the station right on time, and the beautiful face peered out of the window. His heart pounded and he hastened toward her. A door was opened for him and he took his place. Only then did he realize that Tahiya had come alone. He was amazed by that, but...

Cairo Modern (2011) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Beggar, the Thief and the Dogs, Autumn Quail (2016)

“No, no, Madame Nur,” she muttered as she finally left, “everything has to come to an end sometime, you know.” At midnight Said slipped out. Although his confidence in everything had gone, he was careful to walk very naturally and slowly, as if merely taking a stroll. More than once, when the tho...

The Beggar, the Thief and the Dogs, Autumn Quail (2016) by Naguib Mahfouz

The Time and the Place (2016)

It consisted of two rooms and an entrance hall, and in general was extremely simple. What was truly worthy of surprise was the fact that the bedroom should have remained in its natural state, retaining its normal tidiness despite the ghastly murder that had been committed there. Even the bed was ...

The Time and the Place (2016) by Naguib Mahfouz

Akhenaten (1998)

She was seventy years old, a woman of small stature but strong and charming. She had married Ay after the death of his first wife. Nefertiti was a child of one or two years at most when Tey married her father. Not too long after, Tey gave birth to Mutnedjmet. Tey was not a typical stepmother; she...

Akhenaten (1998) by Naguib Mahfouz

Khan Al-Khalili

He regularly took the medicine and injections that the doctor had ordered for him and, in addition to the usual food he ate at home, he started eating other things that were especially nutritious: yogurt, eggs, honey, liver, and pigeon, all of which cost him quite a bit of money. He kept his brot...

Khan Al-Khalili by Naguib Mahfouz

The Beginning and the End (2016)

Hussein was lying in bed reading the morning paper, which he usually laid aside until the afternoon. Hearing a knock on the door, he thought it was Hassan Effendi’s servant. Going to the door to open it, he found himself face to face with his mother! His mouth agape, he took her hand between his....

The Beginning and the End (2016) by Naguib Mahfouz

Karnak Café

It dominates all other subjects, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. We talk about nothing else, and by that I mean all of us: Muhammad Bahgat, Rashad Magdi, Taha al-Gharib, Zayn al-‘Abidin ‘Abdallah, Isma‘il al-Shaykh, Zaynab Diyab, ‘Arif Sulayman, Imam al-Fawwal,...

Karnak Café by Naguib Mahfouz

Voices from the Other World (2007)

Much of the Egyptian aristocracy was subsequently of mixed Turkish–Albanian blood. The pasha in “The Mummy Awakens” is most likely based upon Mohamed Mahmoud Bey Khalil (1877–1953), a millionaire Francophile collector of art who was attacked in the Egyptian press in the late 1930s for saying he w...

Voices from the Other World (2007) by Naguib Mahfouz

Heart of the Night

b He bent over my desk, his foggy sight fixed on me. His proximity, his roaming look, and his efforts to see clearly, revealed his weak eyesight. Seeming unaware of his closeness to me and the small size of the quiet room, he said in a harsh, high-pitched tone, “You do! I do not trust my memory a...

Heart of the Night by Naguib Mahfouz

The Seventh Heaven (1999)

The curtain dropped at nightfall. Engulfed by the waves of gloom that swept Virgo Star Alley, I knew my path by the backlight of memory—the destroyer of darkness and the sojourner’s guide. I squeezed through the iron gate that hung ajar, to be struck by the scent of a familiar incense. To my good...

The Seventh Heaven (1999) by Naguib Mahfouz

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