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Penny Vincenzi books

Penny Vincenzi
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Books: 17 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.02

Read Books by Penny Vincenzi


O Jogo do Acaso (2010)

La vita, Penny Vincenzi racconta la vita! Quello che è prima, durante e dopo un evento che, in una manciata di secondi, la sconvolge. E con essa, cambiano le persone e i loro sentimenti. Coloro che vivono quella situazione ne escono provati, impauriti, grati di essere ancora in vita, ma col sens...

O Jogo do Acaso (2010) by Penny Vincenzi

The Best Of Times (2009)

I started this book wondering if I would be able to keep the many characters straight in my mind. I was going back and forth trying to recall what part they play in this drama. I realized quickly that the story is so well written that this was not going to be a task- each one became a part of m...

The Best Of Times (2009) by Penny Vincenzi

Promessas Desfeitas (2012)

I liked this book because the characters were all really well developed. Unfortunately for some, they didn't evolve and were very self absorbed - however - that only provoked the story. It was quite a long book, took a lot of days to finish - but worth it. I was terribly disappointed that Matt...

Promessas Desfeitas (2012) by Penny Vincenzi

The Decision (2011)

This is a big book, and it took me a while to get into it, but I did enjoy it. The story is set in the 1960s when men's attitudes to women, anywhere other than the home, were quite different to how they are now (or at least I'd like to think so!) The main characters are Eliza and Matt, but I di...

The Decision (2011) by Penny Vincenzi

No Angel (2004)

This is what I picked up thinking, "Hey, my life isn't boring enough. I need some pallidly romantic, poorly researched, family-saga historical fiction, with love scenes written by someone with no limbic system.[]" That is exactly what I got. I have tried ...

No Angel (2004) by Penny Vincenzi

Wicked Pleasures (1995)

This novel about English nobility,and New York power brokers and the families of both, entwined with wealth, greed, misplaced loyalties and dark family secrets. Virgina Praeger, daughter of Fred Praeger, owner of Praegers, a New York bank falls in love with Alexander, Earl of Catherham marries hi...

Wicked Pleasures (1995) by Penny Vincenzi

Almost A Crime (2009)

Tom and Octavia Fleming have what the media likes to call a “power marriage”. As well as having three children, they run their own highly successful companies and are always ready to share their individual expertise to help the other. They’re portrayed in the press as the perfect modern couple, a...

Almost A Crime (2009) by Penny Vincenzi

Something Dangerous (2005)

I keep finding these gems of stories. Ones that I pick up thinking they're going to be all right and they end up being fantastic. Something Dangerous is one of those books.One problem, that was easily overcome though, was that this is the second book in a trilogy, I didn't know that when I star...

Something Dangerous (2005) by Penny Vincenzi

Another Woman (1995)

Depois de O Jogo do Acaso, o primeiro e único livro que li de Penny Vincenzi, as expectativas eram altas para Uma Mulher Diferente, a nova aposta da Porto Editora nesta que é uma das mais estimadas autoras de todo o Reino Unido. No entanto, é com pena que digo que essas mesmas expectativas não fo...

Another Woman (1995) by Penny Vincenzi

Sheer Abandon (2007)

I am a huge fan of Penny Vincenzi's Spoils of Time trilogy so I was excited to begin another of her novels. I can't decide if I would have been better off to read this one before the trilogy or if I would have skipped Spoils of Time if I read this one first...Sheer Abandon is mostly engaging and ...

Sheer Abandon (2007) by Penny Vincenzi

Into Temptation (2006)

By far the best of the trilogy, in my opinion (obviously). Once again your favorite characters return (the living ones at least) and the Lytton family drama is in full force. The books seem to focus specifically on three distinct generations while keeping the other ones fresh on the surface and...

Into Temptation (2006) by Penny Vincenzi

Old Sins (1992)

Many years ago, I worked in a hotel... And many guests (specially foreigners) used to leave behind them the paperbacks they've finished reading... So, the maids were collecting those abandoned books and bringing them to my office... So, I came across this wonderful book and fell in love with the ...

Old Sins (1992) by Penny Vincenzi

More Than You Know

SHE REALLY FELT SHE MIGHT THROW UP, THEN and there. All over the registrar’s table.The registrar’s table. In Chelsea Town Hall. Not the altar in Wellesley village church.She looked down, saw her shoes. Her white pumps, with those wonderful red bows on them that echoed the red bows on her dress. H...

More Than You Know by Penny Vincenzi

A Perfect Heritage

I am interested. Of course.’ Patrick smiled at Saul Finlayson. ‘It sounds like a fascinating opportunity.’ That was, he knew, a rather understated response to Finlayson’s proposition, conveyed via Jonjo, that Finlayson, one of the biggest movers and shakers in the City of London, and runner of a ...

A Perfect Heritage by Penny Vincenzi

Into Temptation (Spoils of Time 03)

But that was how she was beginning to feel. Professionally, at any rate. And even personally, at times.Of course life had improved dramatically; it was marvellous to be back in London, the Battersea flat was gorgeous, she had her friends to see, and at least she was no longer isolated and lonely....

Into Temptation (Spoils of Time 03) by Penny Vincenzi

No Angel (Spoils of Time 01)

Well any man except a coward. But there’s no question of it at the moment, they won’t take men who are at college. I may get my chance in the fall, but, in any case, they will be enlisting experienced men; I don’t imagine I shall get my chance for a while.’This was not strictly true, but Jamie wa...

No Angel (Spoils of Time 01) by Penny Vincenzi

Something Dangerous (Spoils of Time 02)

I’ve decided.’‘You can’t. You know Mummy said it would just worry him, we weren’t to tell him, that it would be a lovely surprise when he got home. And it’s not your secret.’‘It’s not even a secret.’‘Yes it is.’‘Roo, you’re being ridiculous. How can a baby be a secret? And I think he’d like to kn...

Something Dangerous (Spoils of Time 02) by Penny Vincenzi

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