Nicola swore under her breath as she opened the door to the canteen, which was pitch-black and deserted this late in the evening. She’d been too preoccupied by her trip to the informal settlement to manage more than a few bites of dinner, and by midnight her growling stomach wasn’t helping her re...
The parking lot was busier than she would’ve expected for a Wednesday morning, but then again she supposed a lot of army personnel didn’t work nine to five so the normal rules didn’t apply. The dashboard clock informed her she’d wasted seven whole minutes sitting in the Ma...
See you tomorrow.” Regan shut the front door behind her manager, the final person to leave the evening’s predeparture powwow, and pressed her back against the dense wood before sliding to the tiled floor. She pulled her legs tightly to her chest, wrapped her arms around he...
Peter—whom Laurel had invited against her better judgment, needing to find someone at the last minute after she forgot about this dinner—shook his head and reiterated his earlier argument about the threat to small businesses and the chain’s reputation for low wages and poor benefits. Christina’s ...