Boots On The Ground: Homefront, Book 1 - Plot & Excerpts
Peter—whom Laurel had invited against her better judgment, needing to find someone at the last minute after she forgot about this dinner—shook his head and reiterated his earlier argument about the threat to small businesses and the chain’s reputation for low wages and poor benefits. Christina’s gaze darted between the two of them, punctuated by an occasional agreeing nod. Laurel drained the wine in her glass and reached for the bottle in the center of the table but put it back down when she found it was empty. The clock on the restaurant wall said it was twenty minutes past eleven. The other two couples who’d joined them for Christina’s birthday dinner had left more than an hour ago, but from the pace of Peter and Kenny’s conversation, she suspected her own departure was still a long way off. She sat back in her chair and thought—as she had so often in the two weeks since their disastrous date—about Grady. She hadn’t seen him since they said goodbye on her doorstep, despite staring creepily at every tall, dark-haired man she encountered around town and slowing her car whenever she drove past any sign of construction, in case it was the road crew.
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