Short Fuse: Elite Operators, Book 2 (2015) - Plot & Excerpts
Nicola swore under her breath as she opened the door to the canteen, which was pitch-black and deserted this late in the evening. She’d been too preoccupied by her trip to the informal settlement to manage more than a few bites of dinner, and by midnight her growling stomach wasn’t helping her restless insomnia. Her flashlight died ten minutes into her walk to the office, at which point she realized wandering around the mine at night probably wasn’t the brightest idea. Calculating that she was closer to the canteen—and a fresh flashlight battery—than she was to her cabin, hyper-alertness hurried her steps the rest of the way. Now she hesitated in the doorway, unable to make out even the hulking white refrigerator in the total darkness. The light switch was on the opposite side of the room. “Too stupid to live,” she muttered, plunging into the canteen with her hands extended in front of her, praying that a shin-bruising chair was the worst threat she faced.
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