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R.L. Naquin books

R.L. Naquin
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Read Books by R.L. Naquin


Monster in My Closet (2012)

I picked this book up from NetGalley a while ago as it sounds like a fun read, but I wasn't really sure what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed it. Zoey is a quirky girl, running her own business as a wedding planner with her best friend Sara. Business is pretty busy an...

Monster in My Closet (2012) by R.L. Naquin

Pooka in My Pantry (2013)

This is again a series where its difficult for me to do reviews for. I have the same problem with the Kate Daniels series and Mercy Thompson. As the series goes on, there is just stuff happening that has to be read in order and I hate spoiling. So I'll keep it to the characters.Zoey, I still love...

Pooka in My Pantry (2013) by R.L. Naquin

Fairies in My Fireplace (2013)

SYNOPSIS: " A migration of mythical creatures has begun, and more and more of them are landing on Zoey Donovan's doorstep. As the only Aegis left in the country, it falls to her to protect the Hidden and keep them safe—and her house has become a sanctuary for water sprites, goblins, harpies, djin...

Fairies in My Fireplace (2013) by R.L. Naquin

Unfinished Muse

We hiked the side of a mockup of the real Mount Olympus. We stood in a long line for the opportunity to push a foam boulder up a tall hill like the punishment of Sisyphus. We ran around a gym passing a flaming torch back and forth. So stupid. And the muscles in my ass were on fire after that boul...

Unfinished Muse by R.L. Naquin

Unamused Muse (Mt. Olympus Employment Agency: Muse Book 2)

He knew I was in a hurry to get to her and couldn’t wait for him to test multiple recipes. Instead, he presented me with a sealed plastic container with a small handful of pomegranate seeds rattling around inside.     “You’ll probably want to do something with them, like sprin...

Unamused Muse (Mt. Olympus Employment Agency: Muse Book 2) by R.L. Naquin

Demons in My Driveway

“Wait,” I said, not sure what he was saying. “It was for a specific djinn or just any djinn.”     Murphy gave a dramatic sigh. “Look, Aegis, if you’re not going to listen to what I’m saying, I have better things to do. It’s for trapping djinn. Not a djinn. Multiple djinn.” &nb...

Demons in My Driveway by R.L. Naquin

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