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Read Monster In My Closet (2012)

Monster in My Closet (2012)

Online Book

3.91 of 5 Votes: 4
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1426894139 (ISBN13: 9781426894138)
Carina Press

Monster In My Closet (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I picked this book up from NetGalley a while ago as it sounds like a fun read, but I wasn't really sure what to expect. I was very pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed it. Zoey is a quirky girl, running her own business as a wedding planner with her best friend Sara. Business is pretty busy and keeps her on her toes.When a strange creature appears in her kitchen one morning, everything Zoey ever knew changes. This creature is the monster from her closet from when she was a child. The monster who scared her to death, but he only really wanted to play. Soon Zoey's home becomes a safe haven for all things Hidden and she helps a family of brownies, a pink dragon, who not supposed to be pink and has her own bodyguard in the form of a skunk-ape, who follows her around making sure she's safe from the incubus who is determined to have his wicked way with Zoey.She makes a new friend Andrew, who is a herbalist and aura reader and realises what the incubus is and wants from Zoey. When girls who have hired Zoey's company to plan their wedding start dying and Sebastian, the incubus, starts to appear in her dreams, Zoey realises that she has to stop him. Luckily for her she has some good friends, who can help and she also discovers that she is an empath and learns to use these powers against him. Several times she wishes she was a kick-ass heroine with good sword fighting skills, but realises that she isn't one, so uses the skills she does have.She also starts a new relationship with a man who is a little strange himself and he is definitely not what she thought he was. I thought this book was funny and the characters, especially the side characters were brilliant! I loved Maurice and hope he makes a return in the next book. Brad always seemed to make an appearance at the wrong time and Zoey ddealt with him so much better than I would have done! A very fun, quick, light-hearted read! The writing was very easy and flowed very well. The pace of the plot was fast, but not too confusing. Thank you to the author, publishers and Netgalley for this free book in return for my review. There was much I loved about this book... even the first line. Priceless. (Something about, 'of all the weapons I could have chose, I picked a toliet brush.) And later, talking about yeast infections, oh, yes, I was rolling with laughter. Zoey is right up my alley, a sister of the heart. It had fantasy creatures, and ex-husbands, and smokin' hot paramedics, and murder, and demons... oh, my, my, my. Definitely cute and quirky, but there was just this intangible realization that it could have been more. It had the opportunity and possibility of being an '11' on the scale from 1-10, but it just fell a little short. I can't exactly pinpoint why, maybe some things seemed rushed, others were drawn out too long, characters were a little squirrely at times. BUT, I am eager to continue the series. I like Zoe, and I want a pigmy dragon. Now. *taps foot* I'm waiting.

What do You think about Monster In My Closet (2012)?

Very funny urban fantasy series. I look forward to reading the rest.

Miniseries: A Monster Haven Story

What a fantastically good story.

Funny and entertaining.


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