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Read Pooka In My Pantry (2013)

Pooka in My Pantry (2013)

Online Book

4.15 of 5 Votes: 5
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Carina Press

Pooka In My Pantry (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

This is again a series where its difficult for me to do reviews for. I have the same problem with the Kate Daniels series and Mercy Thompson. As the series goes on, there is just stuff happening that has to be read in order and I hate spoiling. So I'll keep it to the characters.Zoey, I still love you. She is just so cute. We are now really starting to see her grow into her role. The one she never asked for. She is making some decisions that are long reaching. Before, she would just basically go with the flow and deal with the monsters and how stuff was happening. It was more of a reaction to everything. Now she is starting to be more in a active role in her life. She wants answers, she is learning to say no and taking charge. Its really nice to see. Its also nice to see her relationships grow and how she is realizing that all that crazy is now her family. I also like that her friend and business partner is finally becoming more of a character and is not in the dark anymore. This gives the opportunity for them all to be working together. Kind of like the crew on the TV show "Grimm". It will also be interesting to follow the bigger story line that opened up in the last part of this installment. Very intrigued. Another decent book. I think these books were only released as e-books and audiobooks. I borrowed it from my library's online site. I would probably buy the sequel, but i won't have to because my library has it in stock :D. A decent fantasy novel though, very fast to get through, and clean - which was nice because considering its an 'adult' book - and could be put under the 'paranormal romance' section, you never know what you could get! I really like Morice! he is adorable!

What do You think about Pooka In My Pantry (2013)?

I live this series. It's just fun. And I love the characters-- particularly Maurice. :-)

I love this series. I have already downloaded the next book. It is a fun book to read.

Thought it was a great book. Can't wait for the next one

3.5 stars

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