The wooden scaffold on which they perched served as a walkway around the natural bowl of the volcanic crater, which was roughly circular and about two hundred metres across. Parveen and Mimi had found the pirates’ stronghold at the very centre of Snow Monkey Island. And so they took stock of the situation. In the centre of the crater was a lake that bubbled and smoked, fed by a hot spring deep in the earth. Huts and rude shelters dotted the floor of the crater around the lake, but two large buildings dominated the scene. One was a rough, square structure built from mismatched slabs of aluminum siding and planks, making it look like a patchwork barn. It was a warehouse of some kind, guarded by two bored pirates squatting by a fire in front of its two mammoth swinging doors. Its peaked roof had a flat platform built onto the apex, evidently reached through a trap door. And hovering just above the warehouse was the pirate airship, attached to the ground by long mooring ropes threaded through blocks of stone.
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