When she’d fallen asleep the night before, she’d tried to convince herself that her imagination had gotten away from her. Shane had been the last person she’d seen before bed and he was on her mind. His presence in her fantasy meant nothing. Part of her wanted to call Dr. Janzen and confirm that, but she worried she was wrong. What would she do if the dream meant something? What could that something be? Sunlight peeked through her bedroom window. It was early, but the bit of sunshine at this time told her spring was on its way. She heard movement out in the hall, and based on the jingle of keys and thump of footsteps, she knew it was Shane. She closed her eyes and imagined him in his work clothes leaving for a day on the job with his dad. She pictured his smile and then remembered her dream. She’d seen Shane shirtless before. They’d spent too many summers together for her not to notice. Her friend was hot. She knew that. She wasn’t one of those oblivious women who didn’t appreciate men.