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Thea Harrison books

Thea Harrison
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Read Books by Thea Harrison


Storm's Heart (2011)

The second book of Elder Races, the tiny faerie and the mighty Thunder God.. Ehhmm.. what coupling..But something in this book made me tried very hard to finish the book, I can't pinpoint the 'thing' exactly, but it was there.I enjoyed the book as best as I could indeed.I just wished I love it mo...

Storm's Heart (2011) by Thea Harrison

Oracle's Moon (2012)

I really enjoyed this book - maybe more than Dragon Bound. Grace and Khalil made a great couple; I particularly enjoyed Khalil's interaction with Chloe and Max. My one complaint with this series is how little the other characters factor into the books. We get attached to a couple and then Thea pr...

Oracle's Moon (2012) by Thea Harrison

Serpent's Kiss (2011)

3.5 stars. I really liked Rune and Carling before this book and I liked them even better together. The reason why this book wasn't a 4 star read is because I found a lot of the explanations for the magic that occurred in the book convoluted. And when I have to try to hard to understand what is go...

Serpent's Kiss (2011) by Thea Harrison

Lord's Fall (2012)

It's been awhile since I started reading this series. I adored the first book, liked the second, and tolerated the third (if I remember correctly.) It was nice to bring this book back to Dragos and Pia. While normally I find myself liking books that are around the other characters, I wasn't as...

Lord's Fall (2012) by Thea Harrison

Kinked (2013)

Wer hat die Neckereien, ach was, das waren schon ausgewachsene tätliche Angriffe, zwischen Quentin und Aryal im Vorgängerband nicht schon mitbekommen? Schon da wurde die Grundlage für die Geschichte der beiden gelegt, als sie beide bei den Spielen um einen Wächterposten kämpften. Es herrschte ein...

Kinked (2013) by Thea Harrison

Dragos Takes a Holiday (2013)

So, I read Peanut takes a Holiday, The third book in this arc, and loved it. It was really cute and almost completely from Liam (a sort of five-year-old)'s point of view, and was completely innocent and adorable. I decided to read this, the first story, and, while vastly entertaining and fun, it ...

Dragos Takes a Holiday (2013) by Thea Harrison

Natural Evil (2012)

This was a very short story set in the Elder Races world. It was very far removed from the main stories. While I enjoy the full length novels, I'm finding these shorts a bit lacking. Being a novella, everything feels a bit rushed. And even more so in this one. One of the main characters is in his...

Natural Evil (2012) by Thea Harrison

Le portail du diable (2014)

Dr. Seremela Telemar,a Medusa Wyr, has been called to resolve her sister Camilla and niece Vetta's dispute. Seremela loves her family but truly wishes sometimes that her sister would solve her own problems instead of hiding behind her inability to stand conflict. Seremela dreaded emailing Carling...

Le portail du diable (2014) by Thea Harrison

Die Augen der Medusa (2014)

I have been hoping for Seremela's story since she was introduced to the series. I have not been disappointing. Seremela must find her niece who has runway to Devil's Gate. Duncan has volunteered to help her. When they get there things get complicated. Seremela's niece is accused of murder and wil...

Die Augen der Medusa (2014) by Thea Harrison

Devil's Gate (2012)

Seremela Telemar, medical-examiner medusa & newly employed by retired Vampire Queen Carling/gryphon-Rune in Miami, takes a leave of absence to retrieve her trouble making niece, Vetta (who stole the Tarot deck) from the new lawless "gold-rush" town Devil's Gate. Duncan Turner, Carling's attorney ...

Devil's Gate (2012) by Thea Harrison

Hunter's Season (2012)

An Elder Races novellaXanthe is an assassin whose cover gets blown on her last mission so Tiago reassigns her to Queen Niniane's Guard.Chancellor Aubrey Riordan first meets Xanthe during this meeting with Tiago. He's intrigued with her and feels himself coming back from the depression after the ...

Hunter's Season (2012) by Thea Harrison

Pia Saves the Day (2014)

I absolutely love these little side trip novellas that Thea Harrison is treating readers to. They are short, sweet and packed full of all kinds of feels. ;) Pia Saves the Day is definitely no exception.The description pretty much says it all, but honestly, you have to read it to get the full pict...

Pia Saves the Day (2014) by Thea Harrison

Gebieter des Sturms (2012)

I gave Storm's Heart 3.5 StarsWhile Storm's Heart was no Dragon Bound, it still held it's own as a great read. It was fast paced, funny, entertaining, and broke my heart in quite a few places. The main characters also held their own and kept you buried in their story. Tiago, the Wyr thunderbird...

Gebieter des Sturms (2012) by Thea Harrison

Das Feuer des Dämons (2013)

Second time reading it and I downgraded the points slightly. Not because I liked it any less but because the story is pretty simple. There is not a lot that happens in this one other than the relationship between Grace and Kallil, the Djinn. I think I must have a thing for Djinn, because I found ...

Das Feuer des Dämons (2013) by Thea Harrison

Der Kuss des Greifen (2013)

I can't say that I cared very much about Carling in the previous book, and I had been putting off reading Serpent's Kiss because I just couldn't imagine what I would find sympathetic about Carling's story and feared being a bit bored by it. Well, my goodness, was I wrong on that front! In her own...

Der Kuss des Greifen (2013) by Thea Harrison

Das Versprechen des Blutes (2013)

A melhor coisa foi saber que Pia e Dragos não estavam separados. Sempre assumi - erradamente! - que estavam zangados e separados e este livro seria um reatamento da relação deles. Ufff! Que alívio saber que não é nada disso. Estão juntos e mais apaixonados que nunca e Dragos continua super protet...

Das Versprechen des Blutes (2013) by Thea Harrison

Das Lied der Harpyie (2014)

I've been waiting for Aryal's story for some time now. In Kinked, we finally get to see the woman behind the harpy: how she thinks, feels, and why she acts the way she does. A kick-ass warrior, Aryal is also a woman and subject to the whims that fate throws her way in the form of fellow Sentine...

Das Lied der Harpyie (2014) by Thea Harrison

Night's Honor (2014)

This was not one of the better books of this series. First it really dragged. For about the first 150 pages nothing really happened. Finally about page 200 the big confrontation happened. Or it tried to anyway. The climax fizzled like a firework dud. Finally came the romance. It was good. ...

Night's Honor (2014) by Thea Harrison

Peanut Goes to School (2014)

Liam "Peanut" Cuelebre is a powerful Wyr born from two rare Wyr parents Dragos and Pia Cuelebre. Liam is actually 6 months old but is the size of first grader. He knows how to read, write, and do math. His parents decide that he needs to interact with other children to understand the balance of p...

Peanut Goes to School (2014) by Thea Harrison

Night's Honour (2014)

This book was a surprise because as I was reading it I felt so relaxed and just enjoyed a great story. There was way less action and even less funny stuff, less sex but there was way more romance and sweetness.I respect this authors versatility and her ability to tell me a story.I finished the bo...

Night's Honour (2014) by Thea Harrison

Le mal absolu (2014)

This short is a departure from the last couple of series entries with a glimpse at actual Wyr life. Claudia Hunter, a forty-something ex Special Forces Major with a slight power of telekinesis stops when she sees what looks like a nearly dead large dog on the side of a darkened desert road. It ...

Le mal absolu (2014) by Thea Harrison

Die Stimme der Jägerin (2014)

I read this series completely out of order; although I enjoyed each book, I would have appreciated the character development and nuances if I had read the books in order. This novella seems to be a stand-alone book without a storyline tie to the rest of the series, I enjoyed the plot and the stre...

Die Stimme der Jägerin (2014) by Thea Harrison

Chasse gardée (2014)

Leider muss ich sagen, dass mir diese Kurzgeschichte von allen am wenigsten gefallen hat. Zum einen lag das daran, dass der Altersunterschied der beiden Protagonisten doch recht hoch zu sein scheint und zum anderen sprang hier einfach nie der Funke bei mir über. Kanzler Aubrey kennt der Leser der...

Chasse gardée (2014) by Thea Harrison

Die Verlockung der Assassine (2014)

Another lovely read.I love that these books have an enemy but this was a nice change. I like that this one although had some trouble was actually sorted out by others and this relationship was given the time to blossom.Xanthe and Aubrey are a great couple, i like that both characters were staying...

Die Verlockung der Assassine (2014) by Thea Harrison

Dragon Bound

She tossed and turned, fighting to ignore it. Exhaustion was a concrete shackle. All she wanted to do was sleep. But the voice insinuated into her head and sank velvet claws deep.She opened her eyes to find that she was standing at the edge of a spacious balcony that hung high over New York.The n...

Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison

The Wicked

  Kindred of the Fallen © 2013 Isis Rushdan   Kindred Chronicles, Book 1 Serenity’s soul-reading ability lets her easily create custom tattoos. Everything else in her life is a struggle, from trying to make it work with her best friend, Evan, to nightmares and visions that make her question her s...

The Wicked by Thea Harrison

Shadow's End (2015)

Even though Ferion had promised to attend her at the masque, she couldn’t find him anywhere.     At least, she noted, the Great Beast had not yet arrived. His absence might be the only bright spot in what was rapidly turning into a tense, wretched evening.    &n...

Shadow's End (2015) by Thea Harrison

True Colors

“You’re miraculous,” he said. He smiled, nose-to-nose with her, and she smiled back. “Do you know how many fancy PhDs and profilers have studied the Jacksonville case and never got that? I’ve got to call Bayne.”     He strode out of the room. Full of warmth from his praise, Al...

True Colors by Thea Harrison

Liam Takes Manhattan (2015)

It was the darkest time of the year, after winter solstice and the annual Masque of the Gods, and right before Christmas. Below, the streets were decorated with Christmas lights, the ribbons of brilliant color piercing the frigid darkness. Dense, icy snowflakes swirled on a wind so cold, it stabb...

Liam Takes Manhattan (2015) by Thea Harrison

Hunter's Season: Elder Races, Book 4 (2012)

Finding justice—not to mention a little faith—has never been so hard.   Wrath © 2011 Denise Tompkins   The Niteclif Evolutions, Book 2 A murderer is terrorizing the streets of London, targeting women who look suspiciously like Maddy. Under the mantle of darkness, the ki...

Hunter's Season: Elder Races, Book 4 (2012) by Thea Harrison

Dragos Takes A Holiday [6.50] Elder Races

Dragos dressed simply as well, in jeans and a gray T-shirt that stretched across the breadth of his chest and biceps.After a quick, cheerful breakfast, Pia slipped Liam into his baby carrier and strapped him to her torso. She and Dragos walked the path to the beach, where Dragos changed into his ...

Dragos Takes A Holiday [6.50] Elder Races by Thea Harrison

Devil's Gate: Elder Races, Book 3 (2012)

  A Novella of the Elder Races As a coroner, medusa Seremela Telemar has always felt more comfortable chatting over a dead body than over drinks. But when her wild niece, Vetta, runs off to Devil’s Gate, a lawless town that has sprung up overnight in a modern-day gold rush, she knows s...

Devil's Gate: Elder Races, Book 3 (2012) by Thea Harrison

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