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Tom Robbins books

Tom Robbins
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Read Books by Tom Robbins


Jitterbug Perfume (2001)

Talk about not understanding what all the fuss is about. If I'm not mistaken, Tom Robbins is kind of a literary legend in some circles, and at the very least has sold millions of books. And while there's certainly an intelligent, probing mind behind this sexual-philosophical hodgepodge of a book,...

Jitterbug Perfume (2001) by Tom Robbins

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (2001)

Okay. I was just gonna rate "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues," and then I realized I could not leave it at that. I mean. Reading the negative reviews got me to thinking, Since I know that, beyond a doubt, this book has flaws.I mean, look at these striking examples..1) Lesbian “sex” drawn so cartoonis...

Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (2001) by Tom Robbins

Still Life with Woodpecker (2001)

ве-ли-ко!Самолетът, с един малък зелен пътник по-малко, но с премия от седем пръчки динамит, продължаваше пресичането на онова, което всеки начинаещ сърфист знае, че е най-неуместно назованата водна площ на Земята. Самолетът свиреше, за да скрие страха си от гравитацията. Лий-Шери четеше списания...

Still Life with Woodpecker (2001) by Tom Robbins

Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates (2001)

Probably my favorite Tom Robbins novel, one of the few with a male protagonist (some of his books focus on female leads, and a few have couples, but the narration generally focuses on the woman). Switters, the nymphet-chasing secret agent and self described "acquired taste," finds himself confin...

Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates (2001) by Tom Robbins

Skinny Legs and All (2002)

Da un po' di tempo ho voglia di dedicarmi anche ad autori nuovi: voglio accantonare momentaneamente i soliti nomi strombazzati - a meno di non averli mai affrontati io, in prima persona - e voglio fare un po' la ricercatrice hipster infilandomi nei vicoli più secondari, nei negozietti di periferi...

Skinny Legs and All (2002) by Tom Robbins

Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas (2010)

[Originally appeared on New Reads and Old Standbys in May 2009:]I initially bought this book at the urging of a friend of mine who swore up and down that it was the best book he’d read “in forever, it’s sick, seriously, go out and read this now.” Before I go any further, let me point out that he ...

Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas (2010) by Tom Robbins

Another Roadside Attraction (2004)

My first Tom Robbins (and his)... This book taught me that he is indeed the literary guru that he and all the coffeehouse cave-dwellers who can't pry their cigs away from their rot stained teeth long enough to save their lives... save 9$!... save my airspace... think he is... and like most egoman...

Another Roadside Attraction (2004) by Tom Robbins

Wild Ducks Flying Backward (2006)

Known for his meaty seriocomic novels, Tom Robbins’s shorter work has appeared in publications ranging from Esquire to Harper’s, from Playboy to the New York Times. Collected here for the first time in paperback, the essays, articles, observations—and even some untypical country-music lyrics—offe...

Wild Ducks Flying Backward (2006) by Tom Robbins

B Is for Beer

Contents 1 Have you ever wondered why your daddy likes beer so… 9 2 At Sunday school the next morning, Gracie took a seat… 18 3 Have you ever felt—or imagined—that there is more than one… 20 4 If it is the ambition of every Pop-Tart to be… 25 5 “Technically speaking,” explained Uncle Moe, “it was...

B Is for Beer by Tom Robbins

Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life

The first time I ever went to the opera, it was for the very same reason. And in both instances, my critiques were published, presented to the public as if they were the reasoned and insightful opinions of an experienced musical authority. I suppose I owe it to readers, especially any who unlike ...

Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life by Tom Robbins

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