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Tracy Chevalier books

Tracy Chevalier
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Read Books by Tracy Chevalier


L'ultima fuggitiva (2012)

Mansion House Hotel. Hudson, Ohio. Venticinquesimo giorno del quinto mese, 1850. Il viaggio per mare da Bristol a New York percorso in compagnia della sorella Grace, impaziente di raggiungere l’America, ha dissuaso la giovane inglese dal tornare presto sull’acqua; la traversata sull’oceano è stat...

L'ultima fuggitiva (2012) by Tracy Chevalier

The Last Runaway (2012)

Even though I felt ambiguous towards Honor - she isn't always likeable - I loved this book. Perhaps exactly because Honor is so human. She is prejudiced, stubborn and a know-it-all as a girl her age who is picked up and thrown into a strange country with strange people is, in any day and age. If ...

The Last Runaway (2012) by Tracy Chevalier

Girl With a Pearl Earring (2015)

Gorgeous painting, deeper appreciation of art; mediocre, annoying bookThis is a book that fictionalizes what might have been behind the famous Vermeer painting, "Girl with a Pearl Earring". Griet's family is destitute, and now she must work as a maid in the Vermeer household, cleaning up the fam...

Girl With a Pearl Earring (2015) by Tracy Chevalier

Burning Bright (2007)

«La tensione fra due forze contrarie fa di noi ciò che siamo. Noi le abbiamo entrambe, mescolate nel cuore, dove si danno battaglia e mandano scintille. Non siamo solo luce, ma anche tenebra, non abbiamo solo la pace ma anche la guerra. Siamo innocenti eppure smaliziati […] E c’è una lezione che ...

Burning Bright (2007) by Tracy Chevalier

Falling Angels (2002)

Gaslit England during the turn of the century. The story starts during the funeral of Queen Victoria (1837-1901) and ends during the funeral of King Edward VII (1901-1910). On their visit to the cemetery to pay respect to their beloved queen, two families meet: the Colemans and the Waterhouses an...

Falling Angels (2002) by Tracy Chevalier

The Virgin Blue (2003)

Inilah buku kedua Tracy yang saya baca setelah The Lady and The Unicorn. Sepertinya Tracy menggunakan wanita sebagai tokoh sentral dalam karya-karyanya. Membaca buku ini, kita dibawa kembali ke alam-alam pedesaan dan pertanian Prancis pada awal abad 16. Sepertinya tidak seru bila tidak didahului ...

The Virgin Blue (2003) by Tracy Chevalier

The Lady and the Unicorn (2004)

Sekumpulan permadani ditemukan pada tahun 1841 oleh Prosper Mérimée, seorang dramawan, sejarawan, dan arkeolog Prancis bersama dengan temannya, George Sand. Mereka menemukannya ketika menginap di Château de Boussac Prancis tengah. Ternyata permadani itu bukan sembarang permadani, itu adalah perm...

The Lady and the Unicorn (2004) by Tracy Chevalier

Remarkable Creatures

That is not what happened with Mary and me. I am not blaming her but digging her out of the landslip that day, using Captain Cury’s spade and racing against the tide and the rocks that rained down on either side of us, seemed to drive us apart rather than bring us closer. It was a miracle Mary su...

Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier

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