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Valerio Massimo Manfredi books

Valerio Massimo Manfredi
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Read Books by Valerio Massimo Manfredi


The Lost Army (2008)

Molto bello... e come tutti i romanzi di Manfredi, alla fine mi lascia con un pesante strascivo: Tanta malinconia... per aver finito un libro che, come non molti riescono a fare, ti porta davvero in un altro mondo, ed in un'altra epoca... tornare in italia, nel 21� secolo, dopo aver viaggiato pe...

The Lost Army (2008) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Empire of Dragons (2006)

2009/8/26看到一半我才醒悟,本書原名《Empire of Dragons(龍的帝國)》,主角根本不是封面封底內頁所提的那支羅馬前三頭同盟時期的失蹤軍團,作者Manfred發揮狂想,故事從故事的兩百年後開始講起,原本尚稱有趣,但是自從第160頁所謂的「中國王子」現身後,調性開始荒腔走板,擔綱主演的「中國」,竟是最不入戲的黑心花瓶。「有個傳說是這樣的,如果漢朝到了存亡之際,這些『魔鬼傭兵』會從他們的墳墓復甦,為漢朝打出最後一場戰役。(頁250)」也許你會覺得《功夫熊貓》很好看、很有趣,但是當一本「歷史小說」對古中國的認識仍停留在卡通電影般的刻板程度,我實在笑不出來,我不由得猜想,身兼...

Empire of Dragons (2006) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The Oracle (2005)

An okay read. Some places the writing felt a bit clumsy, but not sure if that was just something to do with how it was written, or how it was translated.The story itself was quite interesting, very well plotted, and involved a lot of detail. The characters all felt real and interesting. There was...

The Oracle (2005) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Spartan (2006)

In Ancient Sparta, twin boys are born into a powerful family. One is strong and healthy, but the other has been struck with the most terrible malady a Spartan can have - he is crippled, which means he will never be able to fight a battle. Thus, he is abandoned in the mountains and left to die. Th...

Spartan (2006) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Alexander: Child of a Dream (2001)

"وأنت أيها الإسكندر المستيقظ في بهيم الليلإلى أين تحوم بك عيناك؟وأين يجول بك قلبك؟تريد قهر البلاد البعيدةحيث تغيب المجرات.وحيث تتلاشي اخر أمواج المحيط"فاليريو ماسيمو مانفريدى يحكى ملحمة تاريخية عن فيليب المقدونى و ابنه الاسكندر بحبكة روائية و حقائق تاريخية بطريقة مشوقة و سهلة الفهم ..رواية ممتعة ...

Alexander: Child of a Dream (2001) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The Last Legion (2003)

Analisi grammaticale:Direi buona, anche se non eccelsa quanto il mio nome è nessuno. Ho notato nel romanzo solo un errore di un tempo verbale. Non amo molto il narratore onnisciente e all'inizio si è un po' spazzati, ma si fa presto l'abitudine. Ambientazione:L’Italia da Capri a Ravenna, fino all...

The Last Legion (2003) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The Ends of the Earth (2002)

Alexander: The Ends of the Earth (Aléxandros, #3), Valerio Massimo Manfrediعنوان: اسکندر جلد 3 آخر دنیا؛ نویسنده: والریو ماسیمو مانفردی؛ مترجم: فریده مهدوی دامغانی؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی، سازمان چاپ و انتشارات، 1382، در 3 جلد، جلد 1: فرزند یک رویا در 482 ص، جلد 2: شنهای آم...

The Ends of the Earth (2002) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The Sands of Ammon (2002)

Alexander: The Sands of Ammon (Aléxandros, #2), Valerio Massimo Manfrediعنوان: اسکندر جلد 2 شنهای آمن؛ نویسنده: والریو ماسیمو مانفردی؛ مترجم: فریده مهدوی دامغانی؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی، سازمان چاپ و انتشارات، 1382، در 3 جلد، جلد 1: فرزند یک رویا در 482 ص، جلد 2: شنهای آمن،...

The Sands of Ammon (2002) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Tyrant (2005)

Whatever sources you may read about Dionysius, historians will agree that he is the perfect model of a tyrant. Though not much is known about his history, or the history of the Sicilian Greeks, Manfredi did an excellent job at trying to portray the impact Dionysius had in Greek history. Many revi...

Tyrant (2005) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Pharaoh (2008)

Piccola premessa: se, come me, vi aspettate di leggere una storia sul Faraone delle sabbie, sull'Arca dell'alleanza e sulla tomba nel deserto, vi sbagliate di grosso.E' un po' come prendere un libro di cucina sui dolci, trovare qualche lieve accenno alla crema pasticcera nelle prime tre pagine e ...

Pharaoh (2008) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

A Winter's Night (2012)

They had taken to flying low over the ruins of the stable, twittering constantly like lost souls because their nests had been burnt along with the barn. They continued to soar around the ruin for hours, as if they couldn’t resign themselves to this disaster then, at dusk, they finally scattered. ...

A Winter's Night (2012) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The Ancient Curse

‘It’s no use,’ he said. ‘This time it’s come for me. I should never have refused.’Fabrizio grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him. ‘A man like you must have a gun somewhere, damn it! Get it and defend yourself. It’s only an animal. Ghosts don’t rip people apart the way he does.’But as he spok...

The Ancient Curse by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Heroes (formerly Talisman of Troy)

He thought of the lofty mountains of ice which must have generated such an enormous current. Perhaps the Hyperborean Mountains or the Rhipaean Mountains he’d heard tale of as a boy. It was there, in a deep grotto sustained by a thousand columns of ice, that the cold wind of the north was born, to...

Heroes (formerly Talisman of Troy) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The Tower

The oasis of Cydamus, with its clear waters and fresh dates, was no more than a memory. It had been many days since they’d departed, wary about their mission from the very start, and the southern horizon continued to recede – empty, false, slipping away like the mirages that danced among the dune...

The Tower  by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

The Ides of March

III Id. Mart., prima vigilia Rome, the residence of the Pontifex Maximus, 13 March, first guard shift, seven p.m.CAESAR WAS getting ready to meet with his officers. He was wearing a simple knee-length fatigue tunic, like the one he used during his military campaigns, cinched at the waist by a lea...

The Ides of March by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

Alexander (Vol. 3) (Alexander Trilogy)

3   38  EUMENES AND CALLISTHENES went to Alexander before dawn and found him sitting on a plain stool, covered only by a rough Macedonian chlamys. It was clear that he had not slept at all. ‘Has he confessed to his treason?’ he asked, without even lifting his head. ‘He bore the torture with incre...

Alexander (Vol. 3) (Alexander Trilogy) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi

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