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Read The Ends Of The Earth (2002)

The Ends of the Earth (2002)

Online Book

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0743434382 (ISBN13: 9780743434386)
washington square press

The Ends Of The Earth (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

Alexander: The Ends of the Earth (Aléxandros, #3), Valerio Massimo Manfrediعنوان: اسکندر جلد 3 آخر دنیا؛ نویسنده: والریو ماسیمو مانفردی؛ مترجم: فریده مهدوی دامغانی؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، وزارت فرهنگ و ارشاد اسلامی، سازمان چاپ و انتشارات، 1382، در 3 جلد، جلد 1: فرزند یک رویا در 482 ص، جلد 2: شنهای آمن، در 574 ص، جلد 3: آخر دنیا در 712 ص؛ شابک دوره: 9644226356؛ 9789644226359؛؛ شابک جلد 1: 9644226321؛ چاپ دوم جلد 1: 9789644226326؛ شابک جلد 2 چاپ دوم: 9789646348؛ شابک جلد سوم: 9789644226336؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایتالیاییهجوم اسکندر تا قلب آسیا و سرزمین اسرارآمیز هندوستان گسترش می‌یابد. 'ارتش مقدونیه همچنان به جلو پیش می‌رود و در هرجا که با مقاومتی رو به رو می‌شود، بی درنگ آن را در هم می‌کوبد. زیبایی بابل به سرعت به نابودی کشیده می‌شود، کاخ افسانه‌ای و بی نظیر تخت جمشید در یک شب، خاکستر می‌شود و سرانجام امپراتوری عظیم و قدرتمند ـ اما رو به افول ـ هخامنشیان نابود می‌گردد و دوره‌ای جدید و خونین سر برمی‌آورد. اما رویاها و خواسته‌هایی دیگر در ذهن اسکندر هنوز وجود دارد: نقشه‌ای جاه‌طلبانه برای وحدت بخشیدن به ملل گوناگونی که در امپراتوری او حضور دارند. او بر آن است تا همه ملل را به قومی واحد و یکپارچه مبدل سازد و با این وحدت کلی، نظمی دقیق به جهان بخشد. این اندیشه تا بدان جا پیش می‌رود که روح و جان اسکندر را بی وقفه اسیر می‌کند تا سرانجام زیبایی شگفت انگیز شاهزاده‌ای پارسی به نام رکسانا، قدرت لازم را به او میبخشد تا....ا

Beginning with the decisive battle of Gaugamela, this last (and the longest) instalment of the trilogy takes us on a grand journey of Alexander’s conquest of the vast Persian empire-the rout of the Uxians, the sack of the grand capital Persepolis, the bloody battle at the Jaxartes, the conquest of the Sogdian Rock-until his reluctant turning back at the Hyphasis ( the river Ravi) and his eventual death at Babylon. Throughout this sweeping narrative, Mr.Manfredi builds Alexander’s character layer by layer using known events and fictional encounters as building blocks until you perceive a man supremely mature and wise for his age, an inspiring and humble leader whom his army adored and respected in equal measure. Unfortunately we don’t know Alexander as a ruler of a nation; he didn’t get a chance. Most of his managerial acumen was displayed in the context of battle and conquest; nevertheless it is tempting to imagine what his style would be like in peaceful times. Or can we? Alexander was nothing if not a conqueror and an empire builder-he simply seem to enjoy conquering new lands, seeing new places and the sheer thrill of adventure that accompanied these expeditions. He would never have turned back had it not been in deference to the wishes of his exhausted army which was not as indefatigable and resilient as he was. 2300 years later today’s world and the leaders of nations as well as business magnates could perhaps learn a thing or two from the short but packed life of his great hero- leading and inspiring thousands, strategic foresight, maintaining order and discipline, setting personal examples, handling and managing dissent, managing cliques and cabals, name a few. Mr. Manfredi does a splendid job in bringing the legend alive through deft and engaging writing. I confess my heart shrunk a bit when I read the words-‘It is over. Alexander is dead’ .Having lived with Alexander for just over a month, a part of me too died

What do You think about The Ends Of The Earth (2002)?

Whilst I still enjoyed this, the third and final book in the trilogy, Alexander's biography does start to get a little bit repetitive - he raises an army, fights a battle, expands his kingdom, it's not enough so he moves on - he raises an army, fights a battle, expands his kingdom, it's not enough so he moves on... occasionally he meets the odd Arabian princess and falls in love (or lust?). That said, there are some genuine insights into the kind of person Alexander the Great might have been - and it is in this book that he makes some of his more difficult and ruthless decisions. Well-worth reading the trilogy right to the end.
—Lynne Norman

"Alexandros - El Confin del Mundo" Es la tercera parte de esta semi-biografía del gran Alejandro Magno. Lo que más recuerdo de la historia es lo bueno que era el Rey con las mujeres a pesar de la posición en la que estaba, y la ilusión que tenía por reproducirse, cosa que no logró hacer a pesar de que lo intentó un montón. Por último, la descripción de la muerte del joven rey, víctima tal vez de una gripe común que en aquella época era un mal mortal, complicado con defensas bajas por la tristeza de haber perdido a su mejor amigo y a su caballo Bucéfalo. Muestra de que no somos nada, a pesar de todas nuestras acumulaciones y victorias.

I am might be biased with my review being GReek, and a devoted lover of Alexander the GReat. This Trilogy was am interesting presentation of Alexanders life, they were points int he all of the three book that I gor bored but they were also amazing stories and story telling. I read these book purely from an academic poitn of view, like research, I didn;t read them waiting to get a buzz. Overall its a nice effort from the writer to present the life and accomplishemnts and also the character of one of the greatest GReek men of all time.
—Andreas Michaelides

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