Jeffries Dusts for Clues CHAPTER 3 Luty Belle was pacing the drawing room when Mrs. Jeffries arrived. “Mornin’, Hepzibah,” she said. She gestured toward the settee, indicating that her guest was to sit down. “I’ve been expectin’ you.” “But you only came to see us yesterday,” Mrs. Jeffries exclaimed as she settled herself comfortably on the plush velvet cushions. “Surely you don’t imagine we’ve found Mary so quickly.” “Course not. But I knowed you’d have found somethin’ out by now.” Luty sank wearily into a seat next to the settee, her bright orange skirts clashing horribly with the deep red of the overstuffed wing chair. “And you bein’ the kind of woman you are, I knowed you wouldn’t waste any time tellin’ me what you’ve learned.” Mrs. Jeffries could see she was very worried. There was a decided slump to her shoulders and deepening lines of worry around her black eyes and thin lips. “We’ve learned several interesting things,” Mrs. Jeffries began briskly.
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