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Read 05. Children Of Flux And Anchor

05. Children of Flux and Anchor

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05. Children Of Flux And Anchor - Plot & Excerpts

Children of Flux and Anchor "All the better if it does. Then we might end a big part of it right here. Now—go!" There was a flash of light, and Sondra became a great flying beast and soared off into the heavens and away from them.Matson sent Dell and Verdugo to get the horses ready, and he and Spirit headed back for the headquarters. They had barely gotten to the front door when Morgaine opened it and almost knocked Matson down. He caught her, then had to steady her, because except for her jewelry she was stark-naked and shoeless as well. She was also almost out of breath, but she gasped, "Those idiots—are taking on— Ayesha! We got to—get out of—here!""Ahead of you," Matson assured her, and he and Spirit assisted her down as the two men arrived with the horses, which had, fortunately, only been quartered and not bedded down and so still had their bridles, saddles, and packs.As Spirit used the supernatural strength that Flux could provide to get her daughter up on her horse and then jumped on her own, the whole headquarters building seemed to erupt with people, including a dazed-looking colonel who wore only the top of his uniform—nothing below.As they sped off, the colonel threw a complex spell in their direction, but Spirit and Dell were both ready for that and it fizzled out before getting to them.

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