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Read And The Devil Will Drag You Under (1979)

And the Devil Will Drag You Under (1979)

Online Book

3.82 of 5 Votes: 3
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0345323343 (ISBN13: 9780345323347)
del rey/ballantine books

And The Devil Will Drag You Under (1979) - Plot & Excerpts

This was a fun sci-fi/fantasy book. A rouge asteroid is days away destroying Earth when Asmodeus Mogart, an alcoholic demon banished to Earth, offers two humans the chance to save the planet. Mogart sends the humans to alternate universes on a quest to steal 5 magical jewels from his fellow demons. With six jewels Mogart will have the power to save the world. With little to lose both humans agree to the bargain. This was a typical Chalker book and concentrated on themes of power, religion, gender identity, morality, and human nature. The story itself was fast paced and fun. I liked the mix of action and humor. The main characters were likable enough and we encountered a host of interesting secondary characters as well. The demons in particular were a lot of fun to read about. The world building was decent and with the reality hopping we got to experience 5 different worlds. The story ended with an interesting twist. Rating: 4 stars.Audio Note: I'm glad Jack L. Chalker's books have finally made it to audio! This was was narrated very well by David Doersch

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