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Read (10/13) Friends At Thrush Green

(10/13) Friends at Thrush Green

Online Book

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Houghton Mifflin

(10/13) Friends At Thrush Green - Plot & Excerpts

Christmas and AfterDECEMBER had hardly begun before all the frenzy of Christmas began to break out. At the village school the windows were dotted with blobs of cotton wool representing snow flakes; paper chains hung across the class rooms and frequently collapsed upon the children beneath, much to their delight.Every time a door opened a powdering of imitation frost, Christmas cards in the making, and pieces of embryo calendars fluttered to the floor, followed by excited children attempting to retrieve their property. The usual pre-Christmas chaos prevailed.The ladies of Lulling and Thrush Green were busy preparing to raid local hedges and gardens for holly and ivy to decorate St John's and St Andrew's churches, as well as making wreaths for front doors and the graves of those departed and at rest in the churchyards.The Lulling shops were filled with anxious customers wondering if elderly aunts would appreciate tea-cosies fashioned as sitting hens, or whether it would be better to play safe with yet another bed-jacket.Husbands were busy buying enormous flasks of fabulously expensive scent, with names such as 'Transport' or 'Vive', destined to end either down the bath drain or as a raffle prize at a future bazaar.In the electricity showrooms the annual display of a snow-white cooker decked with tinsel stood in front of the window, and the somewhat battered plaster turkey stood on top of it.

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