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Read 11 Poison Promise

11 Poison Promise

Online Book

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Pocket Books

11 Poison Promise - Plot & Excerpts

All around me, the stone of the street, sidewalks, and buildings chattered with the violence that the vampire and I had just dished out to each other. But I didn’t mind the shocked sounds. They told me that I’d made it through another battle and had killed another enemy who had threatened me and mine.
    But as I got to my feet and turned around, I wondered how much more trouble I’d just caused for myself.
    Because folks stood two and three deep on the sidewalks in places, and everyone was staring at me—the curious gawkers, Benson’s guards, Silvio, my friends.
    The silence grew and grew, and my gaze swept from one face in the crowd to another. People whispered to one another, their low muttering sounding remarkably like that of the blood-spattered stone under my feet.
    “Um, Gin?” Finn said in my ear. “This might be a good time for you to say something.”
    “You think?”

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