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Read Tan­gled Dreams (2011)

Tan­gled Dreams (2011)

Online Book

3.97 of 5 Votes: 2
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Jennifer Estep

Tan­gled Dreams (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

A quick short told from the duel prospectives of Jo-Jo and Sophia. In the first part, Gin gets involved in a scuffle and goes to Jo-Jo as usual, but she doesn't end up there alone. We finally get to see what a badass Jo-Jo can be. In the second part, we get a rare glipmse of Sophia desponsing of bodies. Always knew that Sophia had helped Fletcher and moved on to helping Gin, now we get a brief look as to why the pack was made. I hope someday to get Sophia's story because I have a feeling that it will shed a little more light into the interesting man that was supposed to have no heart. A short few scenes told from the POV of the Deveraux sisters. Jo-Jo has to heal Gin after another encounter with some baddies, but according to her visions, her work doesn't stop at healing this time as one of the guys escaped and followed Gin to finish her off. Of course, that's not going to happen with the 2 dwarves on watch. We also get a little bit of insight on Sophia with hints toward past trauma that Fletcher saved her from.

What do You think about Tan­gled Dreams (2011)?

This one was nice, in that it finally answered the question of what Sophia does with all the bodies.

It was a nice look into the lives of Jo-Jo and Sophia's lives after one of Gin's Killing.

Interesting! Love getting a view into the minds of all the players of Gin's world.

Love this series, even the short stories pull you in.

Great to hear from the sisters point of view!

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